Basic Tips On Making A Map That FH Will Enjoy

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Sage, Oct 18, 2008.

  1. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    Alright I'll just dive right in to this. Now adays you see the map forums filled with maps and you automatically think when you see it is either "Maor interlockzorz" or "Holy Sh!t Thats @#$%ing good". This is for the maps that are situation 1, and want to be situation 2.


    [jumpto=step 1]I. Interlocking and Why it's Important[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=step 2]II. Geomerging and When Necessary[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=step 3]III. Efficient Object Placement[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=step 4]IV. Overall Spawn and Objective Games[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=step 5]V. ASK FOR HELP[/jumpto]

    [aname=step 1]I. Interlocking and Why it's Important[/aname]

    Interlocking is when 2 objects are "interlocked" together hense the name interlocking. First off if someone is refferring to merging they are most likely reffering to Geo-Merging which we will go over later.

    Now the point of interlocking is to fit objects into an area that they coulding go before, and making smoothe surfusses.

    First we will start with the smoothe surfusses part. I no you might be thinking that "Why do i do this its just a waist of time the bump thats there doesnt hinder gameplay" but infact you are wrong it does hinder gameplay lets say you throw a grenade and it goes through a crack in the floor and doesnt effect the oppenent doesnt that hinder gameplay, or you switch weapons but you switcht the wrong weapon and the weapon you needed fell though that crack and is waisted.

    Also remember first impressions count for everything same with houses, cars, jobs, andything in the world first impressions are the most important thing. So do yourself a favor and take the time to thoroughly make your map. A smoothe flowing map with even interlock is much better than a sloppy thrown around mess of objects.

    Now onto the fitting objects part. Lets say you have this opening in your wall that is to small for a wall to normally fit in and you have a left over wall you can interlock that wall into the other surrounding objects to fill that hole and have a smoothe surface.

    [aname=step 2]II. Geomerging And When Necessary[/aname]

    Geomerging is defined as a said object "merged" with the map geometry, such as the walls or floor of foundry. Its a new age glitch that is used to create lower structures all of the same object, create slants or walk ways or ramps up out of objects like boxes or fenceboxes, or to keep grenades, weapons or any other little thing that can get crammed under that little tip of the items.

    Heres an example of a structure made out of boxes useing geomerging



    These both are from the map Machu Picchu by LIGHTSOUT225

    See how clean and amazing the structures are with all the geomerging and interlocking.

    This is a prime example of necessary and useful geomerging while this isnt


    EDIT: this pic if from the map Jedwali by Brute Captain-who is The Yellow and De5troy999

    See the giant hanger thing that does nothing while esthitically pleasing is a waste of objects that could of been used in the map.

    The slants and walk ways i dont have pictures for. sorry But you get the idea.

    [aname=step 3]III. Efficient Object Placement[/aname]

    When you make a map at least, at least!!!!, make a simple outline for it. You can draw by hand or use the Foundry Designer at the top next to Rules. Then if its symmetrical always be checking your object count if you are on foundry make sure you have the same number of objects on each side to keep things proprtional.

    Now once you do that say you map has a long wall in the middle a seperater use other objects like walls or boxes as guides to make sure the boxes are perfectly in line with the others. This also very efficient with interlocking.

    Now try as much to use the items in more than one way. Like let a fence box be a floor to a level and a wall the the lower level, you get the idea.

    Now having walls and boxes uneven and tilted and not lined right can possibly ruin the interlocking purposes so try to do it right the first time so you dont have to go back over it.

    [aname=step 4]IV. Overall Spawns and Objective Games[/aname]

    A map is only is good as its spawns and gameplay. No matter what the first impression the map will go nowhere without good spawns and gameplay

    First use the spawn guide in the Forging 101 Section.

    When doing spawns the overall effect is for them to feel the different spawns they are going to if you have a lot of spawns all next to eachother facing the same way you wont feel the different spawn changes.

    With bad spawns come bad gameplay

    Gameplay is greatly effected by spawns but arent completely the deciding factor. You need three basic things for good gameplay.
    1. Good Cover System
    2. Balanced Weapon System
    3. More Than One Option of Movement

    1. is very importan because it allows you to fight and kill but at the same time helps you live. You dont want to much cover or killing will be hard but in the same way you dont want to little cover or killing is to easy.

    2. is very necessary because each side needs to balance the other in some way if the attacking side in CTF has Sniper, Rockets, and Splaser while the defending side has only BR's thats not balanced but maybe the attacking has the rockets, no Splaser, and the Sniper is on the defending side thats more balanced.

    3. it's like cover but different. IF there is a one tunnel that connects two bases and thats it thats not enough opions you need maybe two or more tunnels so that you can flack, trap, or be tricked so that gameplay isnt just spam grenades and hope we get the flag or bomb or whatever.

    [aname=step 5]V. ASK FOR HELP[/aname]

    This is a community if you ask for help you will get some there are many friendly people that are willing to help and may even do more than what you needed. Its plain and sweet not everyone is perfect at every aspect of forge and thats why most featured maps werent complete made by one person who had no help at all. So dont be afraid to ask just be nice about it.

    heres the link to Forging 101
    #1 Sage, Oct 18, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2008
    FlipStik and DeathToll77 like this.
  2. FlipStik

    FlipStik Ancient
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    Definately a helpful thread, this will help a lot of new forgers, and even some slightly experienced ones, too. This definately helped me, and I'd say I'm a pretty experienced forger. 5/5 for taking the time to help people who need it more than you do.
  3. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Thanks for the guide. The geo-merging section just showed me how all my maps are badly merged but oh well :)

    I will try to interlock/merge my 1st map, but I'm not making any promises considering how tedious it is.

    Helpful guide anyway though.
  4. Mallet

    Mallet Ancient

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    I facepalmed right from the very first sentence.

    There was a general guide to making a good map some months ago and that user used that map by brute captain (third image) as an example of how not to do it. Not only do I think you are wrong in your criticism of it, I think it rather necessary to publicly criticise a map outside its own thread.
  5. Sabre

    Sabre Guest

    This is really helpful and i didnt ever think about the glitches that way i always thought who cares but this changed my perspective.

    May i ask what is the third picture from?

    And also how did you make the index things move you to those sections on the thread?
  6. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    The third pic is from jedwali sorry and the index thing is a [jumpto] tag with it linked to a [aname] tag just go to the anouncements and look at the BB code thing
  7. ezekeil20five17

    ezekeil20five17 Ancient
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    Its great that you have taken the time to do this and I'm sure it will help others so well done

    However there is a real problem on this site with people not even trying to think outside the box that is foundry I have said it before and I will say it again if nothing changes the name will have to be changed to FOUNDRYHUB

    I have a tip for you to add how about a map not on foundry telling people to focus on getting boxes perfectly will NOT make them better forgers they need original ideas to build around

    I guess what I'm saying is that although you have put together a great and useful guide to me its part of the problem not part of the solution I can't fault your intentions but you really should try and include some non foundry stuff
  8. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    This guide is more about how to make the map better not what a map should be or where you should make it.

    But i understand where you are coming from and i understand your concern. i share that concern but i dont think it fits the theme of the guide. and dont fret with the upcoming map pack new non foundry maps will be map that will be top noch
  9. ezekeil20five17

    ezekeil20five17 Ancient
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    I'm glad you see my point and share my concerns like I said its great that you're helping others

    As for the new maps I hope you are right because I really fu£$ing hate foundry

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