Bases fight A map used with teamwork. Try to take the flag. Two bases on either side of foundry with almost equal weapons. The bases may look different but they support the same weapons and vehicles. This map is best supported for team slayer, ctf, and infection. This map took me about a week to make. Most of it was done over a two day period of time. The second day I did a little fixing. I made the weapons more even and balanced.There are two rocket launchers with two rockets each and a spartan laser in the middle of the map. The weapons are balanced. There is no official gametypes. Download map: Halo 3 File Details an overlook of one base warthog in one base corner in one base turret in one base floor on second level of one base sniper tower in one base overview of second base inside of first level of second base stairs on second base two weapons in second base flame grenade in second base. sniper tower in second base and secret turret on the side to get out. special thanks to: Topherforlife xpWn3r kiDx tAt IH A W IK S x They all helped test this map.
nice map. i like both the bases. the map is nice because it has different aspects about the bases. this allows people not to become bored with the map. the bases look very well made and have tactical points about them. but it doesn't look like the bases are impossible to take over. nice map!
seems rather good, but the problem is, there isn't any interlocking. I would have thought people would actually get it now that they have to have interlocking. And the sniper tower is very sloppily designed, and most of it is, the worst thing is the shield doors, you can use them sometimes but using them a lot is a bad thing, especially since you have a warthog in there, this detracts from the gameplay. That's about all i've got to say. 3/5
This map is actually a really fun map to play on. As you can see I was one of the ones to test play the map. The weapons are set up good, to make a fair fight too. There is quite a bit interlocking, but I dont think interlocking makes the map, but how much fun you have is important. So yeah.... peace. (Good job Craigy.) =P
I'll disagree with that one, look the map has barely got any interlocking, only base 1 to the right side of foundry which you see in the first picture looks alright, though it is kind of empty at some spots, at the moment I saw that I thought that the map was actually really good, but when you look to the second base (the one on the left) it is really bad, the forging looks kind of pathetic if you compare it to the first base, I'm sorry that I have to be harsh, but there is almostly nothing really to be glad about, I mean there are some really good maps. Though the forging is bad, the gameplay could be good, so I'm not going hard on ya, I say 3.5/5. But next time really try to get the best out of your map and your idea and try to make maps arround certain gametypes, like make the gametype first and then the map and don't forget to test the gametype first too. That's how really great maps get created, unless you have an immense forging skill that delivers a stunning map, those will definatly do too. Well, good luck on the next one.
seriously? i hate when ppl say something needs more interlox. maybe this map doesnt need more to have better gameplay. maybe he DID interlock but you cant just see it from the pics. hell, i can see lots from the pictures. its just not obvious. OK. anyways, the map seems very cool. the open 2 base idea has been used a lot lately, but this one is pretty high up there when it comes to gameplay. although i have only 1 friend on at the moment, i dled and played a 1v1. it played great. definitely not the best for 1v1, but 4v4 and above woudly do well
Yep, he did interlock, i can see interlocking on most of the pictures Anyway, the map itself doesnt look to neat but i cant really say anything about the gameplay, because i havent downloaded it yet
This idea of two bases fighting is very over used, but it looks like you did a great job interlocking and making sure every wall is straight. Looks fun, I'll DL.
As you can see I am also a part of testing and helping to make the map. There is quite a bit interlocking. It is not very visible but took a long time. It is fun to play on because there is power weapons and weapons of all kind. There is secrets to this map things like how to get out of the sniper tower and things like that. The bases are very unique and I like it. It took a long time and I will rate a 4.8/5.