Okay, bit of a long shot here but who would acctually make maps for a base of the week competition? Every fortnight I would chose a different map to make a base on, the community would post there own maps, I would DL and choose a winner. Comments? Q&A Time Okay I had thought this through and I already have at least 12-15 themes set up. Okay one a month probably would work. About the prise the only one I could think off is a map pack with all set up for infection? Just an idea.
I like the idea, but once a week seems extremely speedy. Maybe once a month? I might do that. But also, you have to make bases that are very appealing in order to attract people into participating. Also, maybe some prizes or something? That would help gain popularity. Just throwing some ideas out there
No themes, let everyone's creativity soar on it's own I'd be happy to sign up, so long as it was once a month only. Would these be BTB style bases, Doubles bases, or anything we like?
It could make for a fun little side project for people but I think it would probably be better if you let the comunity vote for the winned like in the SOTW competition, also themes would be a good idea but also maybe to add to the challange you can say they are not allowed to use certain items and t has to be done on a certain map.
Ok Update Time: Ok once a month seems really popular so ill go with that. And you say about no themes then procede to name many different themes :L. if the theme changes monthly then people will stay interested. yeh they both seem like good ideas. GOLD STAR FOR INDIGO
First off, call it base of the month, because there is no possible way to get enough submissions then judge the bases in that time. In addition, if you make each one without some sort of theme, no one will submit maps quickly, thinking why not perfect the base and submit it next time, not to mention people who will submit the same map every time with minor changes until it wins something. To get people competing, simple challenges are needed to be sure maps can only be submitted once. (floating, skybubble, dunes, sandbox towers, and the list goes on) Finally, I doubt any ammount of effort could make this work, although I am willing to help since it could bring something new to forgehub that the normal contests just do not have.
I like the idea of this. This would simply be an aesthetic base, right? As in, with no thought of competition of any kind in mind? This would be a cool contest, as often times I find myself bored, but not bored enough to make a whole map. A little side project like this would be good.
Well let's start it! This sounds like a pretty good idea and you don't have to make a full map which I like. Discuss themes now.
I think the competitive value of the base should be judged as well. This may be difficult to do with no map around it, but it would be worth it. What's the point of making a base if you can't implement it in a map?
yeh playability is a factor in this theme because its a easy map to forge on and at aceofspades that would be cool yeh ill talk to pegasi about that ok i was wondering as nobody seems to be biting on my themes would you guys like to throw me some themes and well discuss them?