I am currently in the process of making a map but i cannot come up with an idea for the red and blue teams bases. If anyone has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it. It is a 4v4 map that right now has two rows of flat blocks and two side bases that are like a boathouse. Here are some pics. Map overview Center Bridge Connecting Red And Blue. Also Shotgun Spawn One Of The Side Bases, This Is Green's And Is Identical To Orange. Also Sniper Spawn A Map Sideview From Behind Blue Central Water Level Of Map. Only Place Where Ghosts Can Be Driven. I only have 3 decorative pieces left and no bases, Please Help!
I would take those diagonal bridges that connect with either side of the bases and extend them so that they connect with the rear-side of the base rather than the forward-side. It would give players better flanking options, and would make the bases less campable. I can already see a sniper sitting on that second floor and pinging people across the map with no way to easily stop them. Off-topic from the bases, I would consider taking the three thin columns that support the middle bridge and replace them with two thick columns (I'd suggest using 1x1 Talls, 1x4's, or 1x1 Tall, Thins). Aesthetically, they don't look like they would be able to hold that bridge up, and functionally, they don't work as cover because of how thin they are. Also, deleting those decoration pieces will save you lots on budget. My $.02. It's a good start so far.
I like the interior of the two ends, but the roof and walls look too boxy.. interesting problem, wish I had some ideas...
@titan-Thanks for the suggestion, but did you mean making it so you can enter from the front and back, or only the back? @Mr.Green-What do you suggest to make it less boxy? It is supposed to be like a boat garage. I don't know what else to place there.
There, fix'd. Just move those diagonal bridges up a little bit so they enter towards the back of the base.
Here's my Two cents. The top platforms look like they need cover. I suggest going with a cover scheme like that of Narrows' top bridge. It's simeple, low-budget, and effective. The sniper rifles could be replaced with focus rifes. They provide long-range combat without being too overpowered. Now ontp those Bases. They're pretty good, if not simplistic. I'd suggest adding a 2-way teleporter at the ghost-ish area to the to "down" connecting bridges. These would prevent backlogs at those corner bridges and allow more strategic options to players. Sorry if it's a bit much, but Ithink these ideas would help improve the map for a low budget
One thing I suggest for you is taking some time in and try drawing up a quick base design. This way you can experiment with different designs without spending to much time dooking around in forge. One thing I would also suggest is replacing the bottom walls (picture number 3) with 2x4 blocks. Not only can you save a few bucks, but you'll also make your side bases have a nice sleek look.
Thanks guys I appreciate the help! @titan- I like this idea and will definitely change it @dune- I will consider the focus rifles but am confused about the 2-ways. Please explain more @dizzy- Somehow i never considered drawing it out, thanks. and good call on the 2x4s, they look much better