Sorry, I didn't really read the rules for posting before. Base A Base A Inside bottom Base A Inside Top Base A Base B Base B Inside Bottom Base B Inside Top Base B Crner ManCannon Middle Tunnel Two two story bases, a tunnel in the middle, and a couple of places scattered around for hiding. The turrets have been removed from the map. This map should work with all gametypes. Better description and Download it here Please tell me anything you see that may be wrong with it in a PM. Thanks! -KillCow EDIT by Furious: Please keep the thread title the same as the map name. Thanks.
Re: Base Conflict *fixed* From what I can see there doesn't look to be any interlocking and it looks somewhat messily made. That is IMO however.
Re: Base Conflict *fixed, now with embedded pics and the what not* Looks kinda messy,no interlocking either. Looks like it could be fun though.
Re: Base Conflict *fixed, now with embedded pics and the what not* You should change your topic title so that it has the same name as your map before a moderator changes it for you. Linky-link
Yeah, sorry there's no interlocking, I learned that after I made this map. But I would love to hear some feed back from anyone who has tryed it out. I think I made sure that there are no holes big enough to shoot/throw stuff through.