Base:115(Beta Stages)

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by DYZFUNCTIONAL, Oct 23, 2010.


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    Use Plain slayer as I have not set up any other spawn points.Just Red and Blue.
    Here is my first atempt at a Slayer Based Map.
    This map was made by me(DYZFUNCTI0NAL) and greenpop.
    This is still in the BETA stages and more stuff will be added and or delted and after a while be perfected to be played withou any problems.
    The pictures below will just describe the map a tad bit.

    So basically this is just part of Blue base(scroll down to see other part of base).This picture also displays the walkway conecting Blue and red base.[​IMG]
    This is the second part.Here you can see there is a cliff and there is one of two ways to get up there.
    1.Go through teleporter located on the left side of blue bade main building.
    2.(Red team)To go along the walkway and go through doors to teleport over the base.
    Also there is a little something special if you find it.(Not game breaking just possible a zipline.)[​IMG]
    Here is just a side shot of the zipline and the rock field and part of red base.
    Also there is a sword on one the rocks.[​IMG]
    This is just red base its pertty simple and I think this is the one thing I will most defintely chage and add some stuff to.[​IMG]
    So tell me what you think.
    I was also thinking of entering this in the forgetacular contest.
    Do you think this is good enough onced finished.
    #1 DYZFUNCTIONAL, Oct 23, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2010

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