After much delay and several scratch overs, I have finally finished version three of Barron Creek. For those of you who do not know, it is a map inspired by Battle Creek; not an actual remake. Overview 1 Overview 2 Like Standoff, Valhalla, and of course Battle Creek, this maps' main design consists of two bases. There is an A base and a B base. Though they are mostly symmetrical, there is a slight difference. Each base has a turret on it that can be accessed from inside the base. A base has a Machine Gun Turret and B base has a Plasma Cannon. A base B base Also besides the turrets, there are a few contrasting differences. Each bases has in it a battle rifle, carbine, SMG, and either or of the two dual wieldable weapons: A base has spikers while B base has plasma rifles. Another thing is in the window side, depending on which base your in, will be an extra BR or Carbine. Window from A base The front of the bases are similar to that of v2 only a little less confusing. When people spawned in the base of v2, they usually couldn't figure out where to go. So I made it simple. Front door Also so that flag games don't become a who can keep the front door defended long enough, I placed a side entrance that can be used while crouching. Side entrance You may have noticed that there is a beam rifle in that picture. That is one of the central power weapons. I decided to lean away from the actual sniper rifle for a change and added some covenant feeling to gameplay. The other central weapon, which usually is a shotgun or rocket launcher, is the gravity hammer. Beam rifle spawn Gravity hammer spawn In the back of the map left of A base (right of B) to make up for the absence of teleporters are two mongoose. In symmetrical games, each team will have one. In asymmetrical, only the attackers will have one. Also next to the mongoose are on A side a plasma pistol and B side a needler. Mongoose and needler (B side) Now I forgot to take a count of each but here is a list of all the weapons on this map: Battle rifle Carbine Mauler Brute shot Gravity Hammer Beam rifle Needler Plasma pistol Plasma rifle Bubble shield Power Drain Spikers Spike Grenades Plasma Grenades Now to be honest, I myself am not satisfied with this map so any constructive criticism is welcome. Rate and comment and keep to it. Barron Creek v3
Solid map dude. I'd give a few of the geomerges (like the one with the mongoose in it) another try to make it a little smoother. Other than that, I am praying spawns will be good, because this map doesn't have lots of places to put players.
this is a really nice map i will definitly dl although the merging with the monggose and needler box could be cleaner still this is a really nice map 5/5
I would not like to play this on CTF, but on Team slayer or something like that, BUt i really like the geomerging, great job!
nice ma man, i can see that you really put effort into interlocking and geomerging, the map looks solid, and looks to be like it can support various gametypes. I've also noticed its a v3, i've neverseen any of the other baron creeks, but this one looks pretty good. overall nice job 7/10
nice great map you put tuns of work into the map. it looks great for capture the flag and especiolly team slayer. 5/5. check out my race track http:// good job man.
Wow - great looking map - My favourate part is the beamrifle spawnpoint) Its also a great shape - size and good interlocking and skills - keep up the hard forging! - 9/10
People, you should really try to not rate maps on how nice they look or the amount of geo merging. First off, it looks like he MEANT for the geomerging is some areas to be off. Sometimes creeks aren't completely symmetrical, obviously, but don't say someone's map is sloppy, just give an honest review and stop being an idiot. Everyday I'm constantly running through the forums looking for new good maps with potential and every once in a while I find one that looks original and good. First off, it seems nowadays there aren't that many "symmetrical" maps out, because they take more precision and skill. I noticed the complex and obvious bases on this map and it looks like that'd make it play great for infection, ctf, slayer, or even oddball, which is rare on Foundry maps. I'm not going to give you an honest review on the gameplay now, considering my xbox is broken, but I can tell you that you definately understand gameplay and how maps should be laid out. Keep forging, and if you do want your geomerges to be straight, just save your map as a new map when you have a geomerge set up, so if you DO mess up, then you're fine. My one suggestion is that, the little flashes that occur from interlocking, and a big one, work on making your map boundaries look good. I used to love making the basic layout of my map and when it came to making the wall I just wanted to get it over with and make it look "OK." You really should try to avoid this, which I have learned to do in time, and try to make your map boundary either become part of your map or have it connect to the main theme of your map. So in your case, a creek. So try to make it look like a rocky cliff that you can walk on or something like that. Or even just a giant fence. Good luck, you seem to be one of the better forgers.
fix this geomerging plz!!!! lol the map is pretty solid, has geomerging and interlocks tha map looks unbalanced from the point of view of the two turrets mabey make some smaller features to make it semi simetrucal like beaver creek
Looks wayy too sloppy and the geomerges look like you shoved a door quickly in a box and just threw a 3year-old boy at it... Im sorry for the child violence...I Love Your idea but you should really reallly improve on the map..