Well, as all of you know, Sandbox will include a HUGE skybox, as well as a pretty big crypt. What this means to forgers is that from when the maps are released and on, the need to include a barrier around your map will be unneeded. (unless it's a very small map in the crypt that is) In my opinion, this could make everyone's maps significantly better. This is not only because of sandbox's extensive scenery list, but also because there will be more items left to improve the map that would before be used to stop others from escaping. On the other hand, this could also be the trigger of more people forging, making really unbalanced/bad maps that they would have not finished before simply because of the laziness they acquired over time. The reason I didn't post this in the sandbox thread is because I wanted some actual responses from you guys. What are your opinions on this? I think some amazing maps will come out of this, as already expected. I'll probably add more of my opinion later after I can actually type on a regular keyboard. (I'm on my iPod touch)
I think there will definitely be rise in maps. Many of these will be bad. Through all the bad ones will be a few good ones. A diamond in the rough, if you will.
Yes, eventually. Sandbox makes it relatively easy to forge. Therefore, it will be much easier for newer players to forge. As a direct result of this, many poorly made maps will arise, just as they did when Halo 3 first came out. Even skilled forgers won't make the best maps. But, people will learn from mistakes. Foundry feels like home to many forgers. Sandbox is new. It will take a while for players to get used to it. Then, and only then, will the full potential of Sandbox be shown.
Very interesting, I just started wondering, Do you guys think any new glitches will be found involving skybox/anywhere that would not be possible on another map? If so, what kind of glitch?
The only glitch I could imagine anyone finding would be a way to break the OLN, or unlimited amounts of any one object we desire rather than having x number of walls x double walls and so on. I really doubt both of these will happen though, but I would have doubted budget glitch too so who knows. Everything else we could want to do, we can do. With floating interlocking and geomerging we can position any item in any way we want, so no glitches regarding that need to be found.
Having played some of the maps that certain members of this community are building, I have no worries about the mass amounts of bad maps that will come. There will definitely be good ones and the bad ones will make themselves obvious.
It was the same with Foundry. Following the wave of **** bumpy-floored unbalanced maps, fueled by discoveries such as interlocking and geomerging came good flowing maps.
I agree with the statements above, yes there will be a learning curve, most definitely... And there'll be loads of crap maps, basically, the amount of crap maps times 3... or because the mid level will be slightly underused and most people will find it harder with this part, the figures will be more like F = foundry S = Sandbox F=x2 S=2F x 1.5 or in other words 1=2 3=2 x 3 3/1.5 thus Sandbox equals 5 (times the maps) if you divide 2 by half and add 3 and 1, then add the other 1. yay; 5 times the amount of crap each day!
well maybe make your equation a little more clear. I had a hard time understanding it. Also, is geomerging possible?
From what I have seen, I have major issues with the mentality Sandbox will impose upon many forgers. First off, I foresee most any map being made on Skybox now, and in fact every map so far has been. I also failed to see any mention of the middle area of Sandbox in the OP. What people need to understand is not every map should be made in a certain tier, especially the Skybox. 2 major concerns: 1) People will automatically make maps up their, because you can't "break" them without falling to a death pit. What people fail to see here is that if your wall is only 1 box height high,people can still grenade jump up their and run around free on the top of your map. However, people are lazy, so what can you do? 2) What makes Guardian and Lockout good? Well, you notice that you don't usually fall off the map while normally playing. This is because there are guard rails, keeping you from just walking off. In addition, when you do fall off it is typically done so while jumping a gap to cross the map quicker. The chances of dying however result in a risk and reward gameplay setup. However, I do not foresee many maps actually taking this into account. So ya, people won't break your map and run around outside of it, they'll die. But they will still break your map and get on top due to laziness on the forger's part.
The only reason why people might need to build barriers around their maps is because of building an indoor map. Which would be cool. I mean by that like a puzzle map or saw map of somesort. However without a lot of movable objects, it might pose to be a bit more tricky to pull this off.
Now I heard that the budget is much more limited, I'm thinking that most everyone will use the budget glitch, which as far as I have heard, has only one problem. If you use the budget glitch, it will not be used in matchmaking, which is not a problem to me, as I am not attempting to forge an amazing map that EVERYONE has heard of. I'm just looking for some fun, so I'll be one of the first to download/make the budget glitch.
there really sint much to geomerge except in the crpyt, wich as been confirmed. i think that most maps on forge hub are great anyway, and so i dont have to worry about all the ther shitty maps. ill just go on here. EDIT: it has been stated that the default budget is like 1000 dollars roughly. thats more than enough to make any map you want. remember, foundry only had like 700 i think
Wow. Amazing how many people don't pay attention to anything. Budget for a blank canvas is $1500. Budget left with default layout still on the map is around $500. The budget is not limiting in anyway. The Object limit is but if you plan for it and use the default items without deleting them then you won't have too much of a problem with it.