Baptism - Who should choose - Child or Parent

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Reynbow, Jun 6, 2008.


Should the parent or the child choose to be baptized?

  1. The parent should choose

    5 vote(s)
  2. The child should choose

    11 vote(s)
  1. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    That is highly debatable, lol.
  2. the other dark

    the other dark Ancient
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    Baptism forms a union between a man and God. I, being baptized as an infant, believe that children should be baptized when they are young. At any point later that the person feels that it was a mistake being baptized they can always break the union between them and God.

    Children, as well as adults, need be be baptized as they are all sinners. In my opinion.
  3. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    Baptism is the first sacrament of Christianity, and many of it's sects. In belief, there is purgatory then a separate place for the children who have not yet been baptized. It should be the parent's decision in the case something were to happen to a child. If they child grows up and changes his view on religion and life, the baptism doesn't stop him.
  4. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Very good point, but the same religion you speak of allows a person to be baptised when they are 50, as long as they are splashed in teh face with some water, at some point in their life, they will not go to said purgatory.

    IDK...way to go for bringing a religious topic into forghub Rey...
  5. bnasty574

    bnasty574 Ancient
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    titmar, you are one of the funniest people I know. You can be serious and still be funny.

    anyway, I'm not entirely sure myself but isn't part of the Christian faith something about how you should baptize your child or like do it at birth or something? So the parents would be breaking their faith if they didn't. But you could also argue that they wouldn't be Christian if it wasn't for that above reason.

    Anyway, I was baptized catholic but I don't believe in a higher power or anything. But pretty much Soggy hit the nail on the head.
  6. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I think its up to the parent to decide whether the child is baptized at birth or not. It is their right to raise their child as they please.
  7. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    But thats like raising a child to be soldier, and then giving him the illusion of choice by telling him he can be a filthy beggar on the street.

    "We raised you to be a Christian, so much so that we've decided to let you choose what religion you want to be!"

    "Uhh, there are more? I'll stick with this one, can't displease Jesus."

    If you raised the child as an atheist, instructed him on all the religions without bias and he still chose Christianity, then it is still his choice on whether or not he is baptized.

    If "God" gave us free will, why do we express determinism on our Children? "God has a plan, for a life that should be completely out of his control." After all, we'd all be Christian if we didn't have free will.

    America, the freest nation on earth!...unless it conflicts with your parents ideology.

    But what about the child? It is still human, it still deserves a right to voice its opinion and concerns.

    "Children are uneducated."

    Then educate the child.
  8. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I was raised as a Catholic, but I no longer am. Just because a child is raised one way, does not mean that they will accept it as their own way of living. Parents make decisions for their children when they are unable to do so on their own. That is a parent's job.

    People in general are shaped by the community around them. A child will always be influenced by the opinions of those around them, regardless of whose they are. So it seems impossible for a child to make an unbiased decision on their own. That is why the parent makes the decision for them, because they have the child's best interests at heart.

    When a child is old enough, they'll be able to make their own decisions and decide how to live their life. Until then it's the parent's job to steer them in a direction they feel is best for the child, whether it be from a religious stand point or an agnostic view.
    #28 Draw the Line, Jun 9, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2008
  9. hiddenninja17

    hiddenninja17 Ancient
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    I think you're misunderstanding me, I didn't say anything about baptism being a way for parents showing they love the church. It's more like the church as a whole saying how much they will love and care for this baby that has been baptized and has joined their church. When your parents have you baptized when you're young, they are promising to raise you in a manner befitting a child of God, raising you to practice the Golden Rule,...etc.; when you decide to get baptized when you're older it's saying that you are making "a sacred covenant between god and [yourself]."
  10. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
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    I was baptized when i was a bebe, but then I got kicked out of church.
  11. skaterdude770

    skaterdude770 Ancient
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  12. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I begin in wondering why this is a topic on a Game forum...but besides that...

    Now Being from a baptist Background I don't know how to fully state a thought and not seem one sided... I totally feel that its depends on the Parents reason for the Child being baptized just the same as the reason as The Child making the choice when he gets older...

    BTW I think your a bit off with your Greek... because Its based off merging fully in some thing .. I can't fully term where I know it..But Its totally the reason why the Baptist Church... makes an issue of Fully dunking under water... because I never really saw a case of sprinkle of water in the bible as Baptized...I Do in fact have notes saying that they were fully dunked ... but besides that...

    For the order of the Child... as an infant being baptized..I begin...I agree its just water..but like the Adult as well its not a fully a life changing experience... In fact Baptized isn't really the point to Christianity...Its about the Faith right? So If you baptize not on a voodoo reason but as A Symbol like it kinda always been ON... it could be said to support a Child being baptized that they are Set aside for to the Lord...(kinda a living Sacrifice... or we are going to do the best we can For our Child... like a promise to god You will love them...) but again its just a promise it the parents job to keep it...

    So I vote the Third option...NOT on the reason that I don't believe but that I think its the reason for doing something not just that You did it... Because Following again ON the child point of view... If he isn't baptized at young and finally becomes baptized... this if in reason and faith..but slips out of faith is the same accord as the Parents Its there choice to keep the promise...

    Kinda ironic Living Sacrifices' sometimes craw off the Alter...
  13. bad biscut

    bad biscut Ancient
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  14. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    You can't go wrong.

    That's what I feel. Just being a parent has it's own set of rights, that can't be denied. I've had some good friends who are sure that they will not influence their offspring's religious decisions, but can it really be helped?

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