Baptism by Fire

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by Fenix Hulk, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    #1 Fenix Hulk, Dec 23, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2012
  2. Minion

    Minion Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Holy crap! how do you do this? Another amazing looking map, with an amazing looking thread! Please invite me to your custom games sometime! :O

    Sorry I haven't helped test strongside, I live in China, so the timezones are way off. :(
  3. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    My god, I never played Strongside because it never took my fancy, but this looks about a hundred times better. Cleaner forging, less clutter, lovely varying sight lines. I'm really digging that centrepiece too.

    I'm definitely going to have to get a game on this at some point, if by some divine miracle I get enough players for a larger map like this.

    This thread is pretty much living proof that the community can really help the design of a map flourish.
  4. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
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    Hoolllyyy **** dude... This... Daymn dude. Love the towering centerpiece and I'm so glad you decided to make these changes and a new map thread.

    One question: what program do you use for your editing?
  5. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    looks better both aesthetically and gameplay-wise... and looks like the dynamic lighting issue was fixed so shadows are cast properly at distances. great job keep it up!
  6. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    Adobe Photoshop of course :)

    Thanks for all the comments guys... you guys made this possible, I just did the work. Please let me know if any of you can make those testing dates.
  7. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    This does look better than Strongside did (the side areas are a marginal improvement in terms of LoS), but I can still see some problems. As for icons, I know there are a simpler set floating around the internet that you can download and place over your paint. I'm sorry for no link, though. I'm a bit rushed on time right now.

    I won't comment further as I haven't played the map and probably won't download it anytime soon, partially because of 343i being lame (seriously. y no working fileshares) and partially because of the somewhat negative vibe I'm getting from your OP.

    I do, however, appreciate that you are taking SOME kind of feedback with your map.
  8. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm mostly with Spin on this one. Your threads are gorgeous (although having poor grammar in the text in a beautiful thread is somewhat silly), but when I actually look at the map I see just another map. The fact that you've taken so much feedback into account is great, but you shouldn't be acting as if, by doing so, you've done some service to all of your "fans". What's more, setting a testing schedule an release date in stone is a great way to ensure that your map doesn't get the amount of testing it needs. Keep testing until you've played several games in a row without tweaking anything, then you will actually have a polished product. Also, saying that the map will be submitted ForgeHub Feature is a bit silly, as that is something beyond your control.

    In short, your passion for your map is admirable, and your photoshopping is great. In all of this, though, you're missing the point. It seems that the map itself for you is taking a backseat to things like having a fancy thread and being liked. Focus on what actually matters, and let the rest unfold as it should. I won't actually judge your map itself off of screenshots, so I'll leave it at that. I may go check the map out and get you some real feedback though, but that will be useless if you keep your "release date" set in stone.
  9. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
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    in 10 hours? I will be sleeping
  10. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    1. What problems? Please elaborate because I'm interested in what you think from only screenshots.

    2. Icons from the internet, lol, I custom make everything I do if you haven't figured that out by now. If you are referring to my logo, I took the skull from the top of the CTF flag pole, crossed a hammer with a inc. cannon (power weapons on map), placed a flag behind it (map is designed for ctf) and place some flames to go with the map name, thought it was pretty genius.

    3. Some feedback, lol... I completely reworked the entire map, spent 30 hours on it within 3 days with next to no sleep and took in every single bit of advice from the community. How many forgers are willing to do that for FH?

    I spent 30 hours on the map and 3 hours on the thread, how is that putting the map on the backseat. Testing.... I've been testing it for 2 weeks and those are set testing schedules for FH because I was getting a lot of people asking about testing times so I made some testing times, nothing wrong with that. That doesn't mean I won't be testing at other times than that, me and my friends are on all the time getting in matches. I never said it will be featured, I stated I will be submitting it for FH Feature, meaning entering it into the list for FH to judge...I am allowed to do that, it's ok. I'm sorry if you feel like it's just "another map," but most people don't feel this way and I have a few people I don't even know review my map on youtube and described it as a pretty epic map. Maybe you could try a match or two before being so sure. Sorry if there is some poor grammar, I was pretty tired when throwing the thread together and typed fast.

    BTW, I'm not meant here to target you but I rate people's opinions/suggestions on there own work. So how is panic station just not another map? It's wide open, huge LoS, not much cover, and very boring to look at. I actually walked around in your map before judging it. Please elaborate on what is poor or boring about my map.
    #10 Fenix Hulk, Dec 23, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2012
  11. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Never did I say that I dislike the map. That is not what my post about. The regimented testing schedule is all well and good, it's the set release date which causes problems as I said above. The problem is that you seem to be far more interested in the popularity of your map than the actual quality of it. Yes, you spend thirty hours on the map. Cool, some people spend less than that on their maps, others spend more. It's a pointless statistic. None of that has anything to do with the actual quality of your map. Again, you have a decent map here, it's your attitude towards it that is the problem.
  12. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    This looks sexy. Definitely going to check it out.

    Map name is terrible though. Try one word. Two max, but preferably, one.
  13. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    How is the quality of the map poor. You haven't tested the map yet you're so sure that my map plays poorly, lol. How am I interested in the popularity of my map? ...becasue of the nice looking thread, I'm an expert @ photoshop, an artist, and love doing graphic design as well so is it a sin if I make the thread look nice? My attitude is the same as yours, poor. Saying I don't put in enough time and effort into my map, I've been working on this map since Halo 4 release and been testing it for 2 weeks and for another week. I want to submit it on Dec 29th because that is the time I need to weed out w/e is left to fix. The date is not set in stone but that is the plan for now. Is there a set amount of time you have to test the map? The map plays great, its addicting.

    Why should I not have a poor attitude towards someone who wants to say I dont care about my map, judge it from screenshots (if you even looked at the screenshots) and only care about the popularity of my map?
  14. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    How well can this map (and Strongside) play with 4v4?
  15. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Again, you missed my point, put words in my mouth, and assumed that I dislike your map when I've said twice now, clearly, that that is not the case. Obviously this debate won't get anywhere. Your attitude is unfortunate, but if you want to be hostile and ignorant that is your choice. It's also unfortunate that you have now completely missed my point twice in a row when it was designed to help you. I'm sorry that you twisted my words to make them offensive to yourself, but I can hardly help that. I never questioned the quality of your work, only your attitude towards it, I am sorry if you can't understand that.
  16. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Psychoduck- deadlines drive the world. Don't knock someone for that. And don't assume someone's priorities, when in reality you've no idea. Most of what you said in that post was unfounded, which is why he took offense to it. So leave it for now. Go play the map, if you are so inclined, then come back with something that's actually useful, rather than assumptions about a supposed misappropriation of priorities and comments about grammar.

    I urge both of you to take any other qualms not related to the map itself to private messages.
  17. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    Lets go back to your original comment. Reality check. I never changed any of your words. Your response to my map was not helpful in the slightest bit and offered no suggestions.

    (1.) Sorry you feel this way but please elaborate, describe why you think so.
    (2.) I applied the suggestions and things they wanted change and all I did in return was say thank you for the help. How is that doing a "service."
    (3.) Never said it was set it stone and there's nothing wrong with dates.
    (4.) WHAT POINT!!?? You can't make your "point" any more confusing.
    (5.) LOL, my map has taken up a large amount of my time, missed alot of sleep, family time, etc over my map. How has it taken a back seat. That 30 hours was just put into the update, not the whole map. I've been working on it since release.
    (6.) ^ read this.
    (7.) You already did.
    (8.) If feedback from FH is so useless to me, then why does this map even exist?

    If you're going to spam my thread with useless negativity, atleast do it to me through PM. Your comments are not being helpful.


    4v4, 5v5, & 6v6 is what is recommended.
    #17 Fenix Hulk, Dec 23, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2012
  18. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I haven't had a chance to play this yet, so the below could not be an actual issue. Just wanted to point that out, I may end up eating my words later.

    The map looks pretty solid, but I question the choice of Gauss Hogs. I've never seen a situation in which Gauss Hogs are not frustratingly overpowered because of their near infinite range, 1 hit insta-kill, and absolute accuracy. Slowing down the rate of fire helps make it a bit less of a powerhouse, but a smart driver who doesn't rush into easy plasma pistol/ grenade range usually can wrack up a ton of kills, with little the opposing team can do. I'm personally under the impression that because players cannot usually react fast enough to do significant damage to a Gauss Hog that it is OP in almost any situation. One again though, I haven't played so I'll give it the benefit of the doubt.

    Also, I understand some of what duck is trying to say. The main point is that when testing a map, a strict release schedule isn't always the best idea. A lot can change based on what happens in testing; there could be additional problems you didn't notice or a number of tests could end up having poor players or lag that makes the test invalid. In the end, setting up tests is good, but you should be careful with setting up too strict a time table, as a lot can happen in testing that may make you need more or less time before the map is considered complete. It's a very fluid process.
  19. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I definitely want to get a game on this as soon as possible.

    Soul, will you be able to host a lobby for this tonight, or something?
  20. Catman87

    Catman87 Ancient
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    I don't understand why you are receiving so much harsh criticism about your attitude. From what I've read you seem to be nothing but friendly and someone who is really proud of what they have created. (Rightfully so because this is one amazing looking map.) I thought Strongside was a pretty solid map too, but all the community did was complain about it until you changed it, and you did, and still they continue to bash you.

    Anyway, I do agree with Flyingshoe about the Gauss Hog. Fun as hell, I know, but a bit too overpowered for CTF if you ask me.

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