I couldn't believe I skyjacked a banshee in the Campaign. I think it will be the one moment I remember for the Halo 3 campaign in years to come.
Well, the skyjacking isn't exactly phenomenal, i do it all the time. but the pic is good overall. I like the tilt in the banshee, showing a little desperation trying to escape the explosion of the Scarab (right?). The fuel rod is kinda random, and the framing could be better, but nice job nonetheless.
Well, it was my first time in campaign, so...it was difficult. I did it by jumping from a Hornet (the cockpit, not the landing struts) in solo campaign. I don't play enough campaign to say I do it all the time, but my best skyjack in multiplayer was a Mongoose mancannon to Banshee combo on Valhalla, pure luck. Thanks for the overall complement though.
Lots of action in this picture, although you could have angled it better, maybe using the fuel rod as a border at the top of the screen. Still an awesome pic with a nice story behind it.
On the other hand,jacking a banshee is a very hard thing to do in the campaign mode.And I disagree here.If I were Shishka we would have a new bungie favorite compared to the stuff they are putting on now.I love the lighting,it is beast.The angle is okay but I love the way you got this thing to come together,also the background is totally intense,5/5....Wow!,nice job.