Banshee Tango

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Prodigious 7k, Jul 5, 2009.

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  1. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    The map is out, if a mod is passing by, please lock the thread. Click here for the finished map.

    Banshee Tango

    (Banshee Racing v2)

    Those of you who have played my Banshee Bundle, (the first banshee race map that works well as a race map in my opinion) You will be excited to know that my next banshee race map is getting close to completion, so close that it is now playable. So here is a video preview of the new map.

    YouTube - Halo 3 Forge map - Banshee Tango (Preview)

    The Film on (including download link)

    Banshee Bundle (Database Thread)<Read before commenting!

    The map still has a long way to go, the remaining colums need to be added, the spawn/starting platform isn't finished and i will be adding a few other secret extras too which i am not going to release until the map is finished.

    Please comment on the new track, all comments are welcome.

    #1 Prodigious 7k, Jul 5, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2009
  2. ZombieBiscuit

    ZombieBiscuit Ancient
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    Thos is looking very unique and fun. Only problem I'm having is this seems like it us only singeplayer? Because race maps you get points for going around and the point stays static. So how is this going to work with a moving point with multiple people. The person in first will always be getting those points. Theres pribaly something more to it but could you explain please?
  3. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    Yeah, sorry i assumed that people would read the description in the thread for my first one. Basically theres up to 4 players (theres only me in the video because the map isn't finished and i was just demoing it) and you race round and try to be the first to the point, you can cut corners if you fall behind, its very open but you do still have to go round to get points, its very fun with the full 4 people but is still good with 2. If you have any other questions then go ahead and ask, i would prefer it if you read the Banshee Bundle thread first though. Thanks.
  4. ZombieBiscuit

    ZombieBiscuit Ancient
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    Ah sorry I didn't realize that that had info. Should have read it. I was thinking that. Sounds like a good new way for races and its good that like the columns are just wide enough for one banshee, meaning lots of pushing shovy.

    I'll go read the thread and edit anything else. Keep up the work.

    Edit: Reading the other thread makes me want to make my own banshee race map. I have some good ides too.
    #4 ZombieBiscuit, Jul 5, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2009
  5. Tartan Spartan

    Tartan Spartan Ancient
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    @DropDeadxJordz: Well think about it........It could be that its just like rocket race.

    In rocket race your never following a set track even if there is one. If the leader here goes for a steady lead, others can jump the track and get the point before him. It would be quite funny seeing how people go to each checkpoint.

    Anyway,this looks very good, I like how you put the sort of banner-like destination between two columns, kinda like the checkpoints on a ski course. Any the forging on the stairs looks very nice, almost like Aztec stairs.

    For the finished version I would suggest putting in some aesthetics (never got that spelling right) to make the map look more cool. Maybe even try putting the last checkpoint in the middle of 4 killballs so a bad move into it will kill the pilot. This would give it that battle for the checkpoint. Maybe just put some huge steple like things in the empty spaces. Your OLN should be quite far away and you should have a decent amount of Munniez. Try elegant little thing or massive ugly ba****ds, anything to make the map seem more.....full.

    One more thing, in the map is it got the towers closed off? Cuz if it does open up dem towaz! Towers mean no one trys to ride off into the sunset.

    Good job with the map tho

    EDIT: I was writing this before your posts were....posted.
    #5 Tartan Spartan, Jul 5, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2009
  6. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    By all means, make your own. It will be good to see other ideas people will have and i can use them to make my own maps better, and a little competition is always good. Thanks for the feedback.

    your comment on rocket race is very valid. You can just sneak in in front of someone. however the points are in a structured order, otherwise it wouldnt be a track. And if by "towaz" you mean guardians, yes they are off so anyone can go riding into the sunset, but if you think about it, its not a great idea because they will lose. Thanks for the feedback.
  7. ZombieBiscuit

    ZombieBiscuit Ancient
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    Oh really? I might have to chug one out this week so I can do another project in the holidays. Let's just say I am going to make mine very challenging compared to yours :p

    To Tart: I never even thought of comparing it to rocket race. Thx. But now that I do think of this and rocket race i think of hornets with rocket weilding people on the side trying to kill eachother and race for VIP points. LOL
  8. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    The map i got my idea for this from (Airshow) was a "challenge" you couldnt get through the points and you kept dying so it was very stop-start, maybe yours will be better.

    If you're planning on doing a hornet rocket race, my friend Master Jamster has made one, he hasnt posted it but he made one. if you ask him im sure he'll show you it and give you ideas, personnally i don't like it but everyone else does
  9. ZombieBiscuit

    ZombieBiscuit Ancient
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    Na I personally don't think it would play well, that's just what comes to mind. Hopefully I can also include using the banshees quick manuver things in there somewhere to and I want a big verical dive to. I'll hopefully get one out by the end of the week or it will be pospond 3 weeks unfortunatly.
  10. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    When you do post it send me a message and i will check it out, i will be interested to see what i have started.
  11. ZombieBiscuit

    ZombieBiscuit Ancient
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    If all goes well we might have to do a colab one. I'll pribaly draw it out toomorow and start it Tuesday through to Thursday. If I don't finish by Thursday it will be pospond for three weeks as I am on holidays. I'll pribaly redesign the whole thing in that three week period. (perfectionist map maker ftw, no wonder I've never released a map) Ill see if I can get most of it done by Wednesday and send you it before I post.
  12. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    Awesome, i'll send you a friend request on Xbox Live later. I better stop posting like this otherwise i'm going to get done for spam (this isn't really about this map). Good luck with your forge and i will speak to you soon.
  13. dafatdude243

    dafatdude243 Ancient
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    Dude this is almost the exact same as the first banshee race map. Try changing it a little bit. There is almost no point in downloading both banshee maps.
  14. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    That is where you are wrong. The map is different in many ways which i will explain in the description when i post (the map is pretty much finished, just testing and more aesthetics to go). One thing i will say is that the layout of this is a figure of 8 and the map layout is much more balanced, in the original if you controlled the start you had all the points. On the new one they are evenly spaced out.

    You are right, it is very similar but the original was an experimental map, this a much more improved and developed version. Both gameplay wise and aesthetically.

    Thanks for the comment.
    #14 Prodigious 7k, Jul 9, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2009
  15. dafatdude243

    dafatdude243 Ancient
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    Ok, sorry about that. Thanks for not giving me a bullshit response. I'll just wait to until it's released.
  16. AlexIsCoool

    AlexIsCoool Ancient
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    Such a simple idea but its brilliant. It looks like a lot of fun.

    I have an idea though, make two gates close together, parallel but offset along the x axis (sideways). This way you have to do that banshee barrel roll/strafe maneuvers that only a banshee can do. (As opposed to turning quickly). I believe on the default controls it is A+RightStick to do those combos.

    Perhaps even one that requires a backflip, but I do not see that working well.

    Also. Add vehicles or fusion coils around the map that serve as target practice. (It wouldn't count for points but it could be implemented as an honor rule.
  17. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    Locked at request.
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