You are a fool. Wayont for slayer is pretty much the equivalent of tiny Hemorrhage, so it sucks even more than regular Hemorrhage, and CTF is equally bad. I've gotten incredible K/D's on that map just by holding out the base during a CTF match, just because of how fortified it is. A Grenade Launcher spawns in there too, and if you have more than one person defending the flag at all times, it's near-impossible to grab. The map is a gigantic standstill until the very end, when everyone realizes that the game is tied at 0-0, so everyone makes a bum-rush into the enemy's base. Most games end in ties at either 0-0 or 1-1. All BTB maps in Reach suck, and I honestly don't understand why the cartographers never picked Warhorse or Gully, since both were considered, and both were qualified.
I don't think the tracking is the worst thing about it. Sure, it really shouldn't be there, but the real issue is the huge damage and ridiculous blast radius of it. I know it's a weak vehicle and can't take much damage, but the cons outweigh the pro's. Just nerfing the blast radius a lot, the radius a lot, or both a little would help.