Hey guys, It took a while for me to fix this track up, because I made a LOT of changes. The track is now very smooth, and I added a few more details of aesthetics as well. I think it turned out great... For those of you who did not see version 1, this is a remake of the track from Mario Kart 64, Banshee Boardwalk. I made it as accurate as possible. I would have liked to have added more, such as a cheat-proof finish line, but unfortunately I used up all of my budget. So play this track with non-cheaters! for all you Mario Kart 64 lovers...or those who just enjoy a good track.. ENJOY! original image of map (sorry this is the biggest i could find) remake action shot track overview star hole inside the haunted house entrance to haunted house DOWNLOAD HERE
Looks very good. I love the little building that you drive through. Problemly the trade mark of your map. The only problem I see is that it doesn't look smooth. My xbox is broke, so I can't say much. So lets leave it at that. 7/10
This looks like a really well forged map! but it doesent interrest me, it looks bring of just strait aways and turns thats it except that one little section. no jumps or anything. but i guess ill try it out 7/10
Unfortunately this is a map remake, so there was no jumps or anything to be added. The description above tells what map this is a remake of, if you dont know already. This map is actually very smooth now...which was pretty much the whole point of the version 2 I guess you wont know until your box gets fixed tho.
This looks ALOT better than the first version. It looks a hell of alot better, but I suggest you add more pictures, I would like to see the wooden bridges close up on this, because I know that was one of the main problems with V1. Well done on this though
Thanks! Im glad it shows...because I spent at least 3 or 4 hours making all the changes in version 2. I will probably post a video later today to show the bridges...it took me forever to figure out how to get them to run smooth I redid the ones at all parts of the map, and also changed the part with the dip in it so now you dont get air and go flying up and lose control. i also fixed the part of the track that was diagonal after the crooked bridge, because it was slightly uneven and sometimes you would fall off too easily on it. and I added a few aesthetics as well...like the arrow inside the haunted house
This is perfect! Perfect remake, that is. You even have the same crack that you can fall through! This was one of my favorite mario cart maps, now you have made it your own. Swell job! 9/10 Remaking, 8/10 Comparison to other maps.
Nice map, and a very accurate remake. I'm glad you made a version 2, because its 20x better than the first. My friends and I raced on this with 4 people, and it was a blast. 10/10, and I hope you continue to remake mariokart maps
Thank Chris, the feedback is much appreciated and I am glad this is an enjoyable map. I agree that the v2 is 20x better than the first version, not only aesthetic wise but functional wise as well. That was my main focus for v2, since most of the feedback talked about making the track smoother. I would love to make another remake of a mario kart track, any suggestions of tracks to do? (one that is actually doable).
great track never played the original but the building looks great it does look kinda empty though i'll give it a 4/5 and how about a rainbow road remake that would be amazing
Rainbow Road lol JK that would be insane and has been done but not very well. How about Bowser castle or Luigi's mansion? Or, if you saw any of the X Games, you could make the rally car track. That would give you a chance to make one of your "aesthetic racetracks"