As most of you have taken notice to the fairly new [and banned], member Bushido Elite. The reason why he received the banhammer, was that he stole around 15 maps from the forge hub community. Recently, I have had a somewhat heated conversation with him about his mistakes here. He threatened to come back. He did, and reposted his stolen maps. Banhammer. He has actually gotten smart enough to come back under a new screen name, so keep watch for his poor grammar and irrational logic. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bushido elite: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please keep an eye out for this ignorant infant, who knows what harm he can bring to the community. Oh, and to Shock Theta and Moderators [If you ever read this thread], is there anyway to ban an IP address? I do not with for people like Bushido Elite to poison forge hub, because we all love it here =] In addition, I'm adding a list of banned members. Please notify me if there is a member I missed, because I have the most recent banned members. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Bushido Elite 0 - DEAR2KILL - o0 Elite Emperor 0o -------------------------------------------------------------------------
There are ways to IP ban members, I recall. Also, you can blacklist certain names, so if they try registering as Bushido Elite 0, for an example, the forums will pick it up and notify a mod.
ALL the maps he has posted were stolen, sometimes he didn't bother to change anything, not even the name of the map, but sometimes he would add one object and call it his own, as he did with my map.
there are ways to get around IP bans too who cares anyway, its just some retard wanting attention ignore him
Oh, I see. And he's constantly coming back here and stealing maps? Do tell. And yeah, Titmar, I already know several different ways, but if I post it here, I'm sure that this guy will pick it up.
what a douche, I think you can ban ip adressess. Do you think this might make bungie ban him if they were told about this?
we have almost no affect on the decisions bungie makes, he may get in trouble, but chances are they won't notice. but he won't be coming back here anytime soon...
One of the mods or someone that runs/owns these forums should send a message to Bungie Employee on possibly just a Forum Ninja? You could find his IP from the forums and I'm sure Bungie could blacklist his name for the Recon, even though that's really nothing. Possibly have something on his account so people know what kind of guy this is...
wow, that is messed up, 15 maps?!?! Who knows what kind of damage this kid can do, i have a question, does anyone know this kids gamertag? -------------------------------------------------------------- Just found it...Bushido Elite...Now if you ask me, i think anyone and everyone should go here (the douche's fileshare, and rate 1 on every file (TWENTY-FOUR FILES THAT ARE ALL POTENTIALLY STOLEN!!!). After rating 1, anyone and everyone should report the file, that will increase whatever small odds there are of bungie doing something about this...
damn that was a fast response ivory, thanks, i just found it, please read and follow up on that...i really think everyone should do it...HE STOLE GRADIENT FOR GOD SAKES!!!!
an ip ban from xbl is more like it...>:| maybe a little much...but hot damn this is infuriating...i didn't dl the maps he posted, so i don't know whether or not my maps were stolen...but i don't care, he stole maps that people put there hard time and effort into...