I need to know how to make banked turns for a racing map that i'm making. If you know, tell me your techniques or you could show me on Xbox Live. My Gamertag is DSX Halostar.
Well, it isn't so much of an explination thing or showing thing. It's more like trial and error. But I've got a good one that started me off. First, take whatever you'd like to make the bank turn and spawn it. Save/quit it into the air, and put a wall on top of it, and put spawn points on the corners of it. Make it place at start no, and allign the box with the bottom of the wall, and put the corners on the spawn points. Save/quit it, force spawn them both, and you have a (nearly) perfect interlocked bank turn.
YOu know, I've been wondering the exact same thing. I've decided just to leave banked turns out of this race track I'm making, but now I will probably include one or two of them. Thanks.
Basic, When up rising from a hill just start turning it and it should be start banking, Message me oo slik oo (oO SLiK Oo) And ill teach you
me and my freind have made a few good race tracks (ghostly tremors) and my gamertag is d4rkdemon and i will teach you anytime private message me if you want me to show you and when you will be online -d4rkdemon