
Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Halcyon, Nov 1, 2010.

  1. Halcyon

    Halcyon Forerunner

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    You have been banished for the city you've lived in all of your life. Now you must make a journey to find a new home. It might be a little difficult.

    So this is my newest puzzle (obviously). Honesty, it's half puzzle, half ideas I just wanted to implement. There are a couple of parts that might throw you off but overall it shouldn't be too difficult. Anyway, I think it's pretty creative and enjoyable so I'm eager to see what everyone else thinks.

    "Search" gametype is required.

    The beginning, outside of the city walls

    It's a long drop to the ground. . .

    Roadblock #1
    [/FONT] [​IMG]

    Roadblock #2

    How can I escape?

    This doesn't look too bad

    Now it does

    Steep hill

    Roadblock #3



    Like always, feedback is always appreciated. I was ecstatic with the response my Ascension map had and I hope I can improve and build upon that. This map is considerably different and maybe not quite as epic so I'm not certain about the response it will have, but as long as a few people enjoy it, I'll be happy. :D
    #1 Halcyon, Nov 1, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2010
  2. DeadlyZ94

    DeadlyZ94 Forerunner

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    ok imma try this out with my friends so far the elevator seems pretty cool

    Edited by merge:

    pretty nice it was quick but good
    #2 DeadlyZ94, Nov 1, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2010
  3. Halcyon

    Halcyon Forerunner

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    Did you get through the whole thing already?
    Good job! :D
  4. Volcom Guy992

    Volcom Guy992 Forerunner

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    This was a pretty good map. No complaints or anything from me. I liked it from start to finish. Good work.
  5. Halcyon

    Halcyon Forerunner

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    Thanks for the feedback.
  6. Deranged Loofah

    Deranged Loofah Forerunner

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    I can't figure out what to do at the 2nd roadblock... :(

    EDIT: Ok my idiot roommate accidentally figured it out >.< HaHa but is there not a teleporter to the deathball with the sprint AA's? I thought that was the one I blew up. If not, there should be because it's a pain to run through the whole map to not even be guaranteed to make it all the way back there. Fun map so far.

    FYI I found out how NOT to take the elevator and survive the fall. it's somewhat lucky and magical, but if you land on the curb and crouch, sometimes you just bounce off alive without any damage taken. ;P I prefer that method because sometimes it launches me around randomly.
    #6 Deranged Loofah, Nov 10, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2010
  7. Halcyon

    Halcyon Forerunner

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    There's a checkpoint in that small room after the man cannons. Once you unblock the other teleporter in there, it stays unblocked so you can go directly to the kill ball part from the beginning.

    I figured out how to survive that fall too and it is pretty fun :D Hope you like the rest of the map
  8. Deranged Loofah

    Deranged Loofah Forerunner

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    Ok, Finished it! That was really fun, but I wish it was longer! I really enjoyed it, and hope you make some more :D
  9. Halcyon

    Halcyon Forerunner

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    I'm glad you liked it. :)
    Once I'm finished with this infection map I'm working on for the Forgetacular I'll probably start making another one. ^^
  10. Twilighttail

    Twilighttail Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I really enjoyed this. Really intuitive and fun. However, I did get stuck on one part, and still am, even though I finished. At the room where the 2 Teleporters are, how do you get past that? I couldn't figure it out so eventually...


    I ended up hopping on the top edge of the room and dropping down to destroy the fusion coil. How is the correct way of finishing that puzzle?
  11. Halcyon

    Halcyon Forerunner

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    You just have to fire the grenade launcher, hold the trigger so it doesn't explode, and kick it down the small hole in the middle by walking over it. I guess I missed a break :/
    Thanks for the feedback :D
  12. Twilighttail

    Twilighttail Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, the break is right before you go down into the pit, on that small slab. Food for thought ^^ Glad to be of service. =3
  13. monkeyfiedcheez

    monkeyfiedcheez Forerunner

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    really fun map love the slife :D
  14. The Chosen

    The Chosen Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That was the most fun puzzle map ive ever played, thank you.
  15. Halcyon

    Halcyon Forerunner

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    Thanks to both of you guys. Glad it was fun :D
  16. Smokemonster

    Smokemonster Forerunner

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    After sussing out this map in forge me and a friend finished this last night. Very enjoyable map, not sure about aesthetics though. All the same ill give it 9/10
  17. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    I played this with a couple buds. The infamous BuddhaCrane was present. =P

    Some of your puzzles were really intuitive. The first crate fall and the killball obstacle were my favorite. We thought it was rather lame that you had the concussion rifle jump though. Try to come up with completely new things rather than copy old ideas. We really enjoyed ourselves on the map though.
  18. Halcyon

    Halcyon Forerunner

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    Aesthetics did kind of take a back seat on this one. I did make an effort by making most of the bridges and platforms attached to the ground and of course no z-fighting but I probably could have done more.
    I will admit that I was kind of scrambling at the end. Even with the concussion stuff, it was a really short map. I guess quantity took over quality there :/ I was pretty proud of the killball and crate parts and I'm pretty ecstatic that you guys thought highly of them. I have a few ideas for my next puzzle and I'll try to keep the quality consistently high; I just have to finish my Forgetacular stuff first. :)
    #18 Halcyon, Nov 22, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2010
  19. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    I played this last night along with Spawn of Saltine and we really enjoyed it. Yes, it was fairly short but not every puzzle map has to be a huge mountainous challenge-fest; it was nice that it was a map we could just dive into.

    The puzzles generally felt logical, which I really liked. It wasn't a case of "are you aware of this glitch?", but more about doing some observation work and trying to piece all the information together from what you can see around you.

    I'd say this was one of the easier puzzle maps I've played, but at the same time, also one of the really fun ones. While the challenges weren't difficult, they were imaginative. We particularly enjoyed the barricade bobsleigh - we knew instantly what to do, but it was still fun.

    The puzzle I was most impressed with was the killball, with sprint and mine field. It was a clever idea for a puzzle and it was well executed. It required enough problem solving from the player to be a worthwhile challenge, but was also really fun to complete after you'd figured it out.

    Our only gripe were those last two challenges with the concussion rifle. After the imaginative ideas we'd seen leading up to that point, it was a bit of an anti-climax.

    We also weren't even sure what the intended method to surviving that mancannon launch into the wall was. I was the one to survive it but I don't know if it was because I retained the custom powerup (we theorised that if we could be quick enough to keep the powerup then the wall might not kill us), or if it was because I was shooting my concussion rifle at the wall in front of me just before I hit it (in an attempt to slow down my momentum).

    All in all though a very fun map, and I look forward to seeing more of them!

    P.S. Don't worry about the aesthetics. It's far more important that a puzzle map has great challenges, interesting ideas, works smoothly, and is fun. Aesthetics are for those competitive map makers!
  20. Halcyon

    Halcyon Forerunner

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    Yeah, you were supposed to use the concussion rifle to survive the man cannon. I figured that was enough to justify the concussion rifle part since I hadn't seen it done before, but I was aware that it was still a fairly weak section. I just couldn't shake the feeling that it was too short. :/

    This was meant to be more of a fun map than a challenge so I'm glad that it succeeded it that aspect. The crate drop and the bobsled weren't exactly puzzles, but I couldn't think of more puzzle-y ways to use them and they were just too fun to leave out.

    Thank you for taking the time to give me feedback. I'll definitely keep what you and Spawn of Saltine said in mind and I certainly feel like I can improve. :)

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