Sandbox Bailout

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Conkerkid11, Apr 24, 2010.

  1. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Bailout is my version of a spiritual successor to the Modern Warfare 2 map; Bailout. This Sandbox map plays with just about every game type with players ranging from 4-16. It took me about three days to make this map, because I'm just that cool. I've run out of objects, and still have some budget left, so I can't really add in any major structures, and from the orignal plan I had for Bailout, I wanted it to only cover about half of the play area. Have fun out there on the battlefield soldier!

    Oh, and by the way you guys... This is in fact my entry for this month's Xforgery Contest. The contest was to make an urban map, and although this isn't that urban, it started out as an urban map, and I'm not going to exclude it from this contest just because I ran out of objects.​


  2. Caucasion Tift

    Caucasion Tift Ancient
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    I like this map... very well put together... but i'd like to see another Conker Live and Reloaded remake... maybe Fortress Deux? just a thought
  3. Ojijo

    Ojijo Ancient
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    This looks really well made! Is it really open? Because it looks more open compared to the bailout on mw2. I'll have to try it out myself but other than that it looks great; I was wondering when someone would create a mw2 stimulus package map like this haha. One thing I think you should try to do is put vehicles on it, if you can squeeze that in there, because it wil tweak gameplay a bit and can make things more interesting -- like a Battlefield Bad Company 2/mw2 map -- you know?

    PILGRIM Ancient
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    Does look very nice and i will definately download. If your having object issues maybe go back over your map and decide if all of the objects you have placed are needed and delete the ones that arent important. I can see about 10 in the pictures.
  5. ubgrayedd

    ubgrayedd Ancient
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    let me be honest, i do not find this map to look much like "Bailout" from modern warfare 2. but dont get me wrong, i tried this map with a couple of friends, and to me this map plays and looks really well. conclution: well played and nicely forged, but it doesnt look like bailout. but stil a 5/5
  6. xItZ JENKiNSx

    xItZ JENKiNSx Ancient
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    It makes me lul how dominant the red base is compared to the blue base. Anywho, I was extremely suprised how well the map played even though the snipers and the overshield were making each other company in the corner. The layout seems basic, but the location was unexpected the snipers were kinda dominant in the fact that I recieved two sniper sprees and 11 sniper kills, but other than that everything is perfect. Great job dude.
  7. Ak Tulio 907

    Ak Tulio 907 Ancient
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    I think this map looks pretty good maybe a little, and i mean a little wee bit think that its a little rough around the edges but looks like a fun playable map. I would make a V2 just because it looks fun and probibly needs vehicles just because its one of thoes "BIG" maps.
  8. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    I'm planning on forging, and releasing a v2 of Bailout in the upcoming week. The blue side will be completely removed, and I'm going to just add on to red side with more walkways and junk. It's going to be smaller, but hopefully it will play better as well.

    This isn't supposed to be a direct remake of Bailout either, it actually looks nothing like it. But it's where I got the inspiration, and I was kinda out of ideas for names. I like the attention this map is getting, keep it up you guys! Hidden gem for the win!
  9. MetaLemur

    MetaLemur Ancient
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    aww.. i remember testing this out with you. The gameplay wasn't bad but there was problems. I love the structures you put into the red base. It truly needs a large game to play this. IMO it was fun and original, (except for the terrible lag from Get Kanyed)

    but anyways i defiantly gave this a download
  10. iTaliiAN iCE

    iTaliiAN iCE Ancient
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    I'm gonna be completely honest with you. I didn't like this man. One part of the map is completely open and the game play was too slow. The spawns weren't bad they were i guess fine for this map. I mean I would prefer you make some more higher ground because its all a mid level map and you get team BR'd all the time. I will say though it was extremely clean in 95% of the map, at least. But hey there is always room for v2. Also I helped test y the way. 2/5 for me.

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