Anyone notice how if you give bad reputation, the message pops up that says: "Hopefully you'll receive the same reputation in return!". I hope not! I realize it's just a general message for any reputation giving, it just caught my eye as a i guess haha.
Yes. Old. Hopefully the staff (DQ) will get around to changing it. Until then, it's just something you're going to have to ignore if it bothers you.
I have yeah.. seems the positive rep comment is displayed for negative also. Eh no big deal btw you are bound to recieve some -rep for bringing up the subject of -rep.
Woah Mallet, you changed your sig =P Seems a lil plain but cool non the less =D And getting back to the topic at hand, I think the message is very fitting. Most of the neg rep I get is stupid, so yeah, they deserve it back =P
Why did I just get bad rep twice for two different threads on someone elses maps? On one I said "Looks fun, will download" And the other "Looks awesome. You have my download." I checked my User CP and both rated me down for spam. Could someone help me out with this? These map posts were even like a week apart! Help would be nice.
both of those posts are spam. Your posts should be more thoughtful and have more substance than "looks cool, DL" next time try and explain why you like it or what you thought could improve, or both
i don't know if this is on topic..but I got -rep and the reasons why are so stupid... After ever 5 words you put "...." and it made it nearly impossible to read.. lol its kinda annoying really to see me get- rep for something I naturally do...
Some guy gave me negative rep because his bridge floors werent interlocked and a tad sloppy. I told him to flip them and interlock.Also to further test his map because the action pics were of him and other guy. Then I got negrep and an idiot reply saying that the negative criticism was "unnecessary" on my proflie visitor message
some people don't think... just because We have 500 post we are just as new as them to forge hub...and I am just laughing at there noobness... I think people taking the time to give you any feed back should be respected... even if its negative... I mean thats what i do...because i want them to take the time again on my next
Urg, another thread about this. Almost every piece of -rep I get is because of sigs. People thing that they have "1337" sig making skills on this site. They think that sigs are some form of high art, instead of just some cool graphics. And I get negitive rep for voicing my opinions. And I know I sound like another lame person who complains and cares about rep. And if you give me negitive rep for this post... I SWEAR I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN. Edit: GOD F'N DAMMIT SOME CHEEKY BASTURD GAVE ME NEGITIVE REP! I will hunt you down, I will. EditEdit: GERDAMMIT HE DID IT AGAIN! Wow, just wow.
ha yeah thanks for getting back to the original topic haha. oh yeah and btw guys I'm not complaining or anything, I just thought it was interesting.
I think that the rep system should just be taken out because you can't tell if it's an acurate reputation that the person has. The system allows for abuse and there isn't really a monitering of this kind of behavior. The only thing I see the rep being good for is to remind people to make better posts and not single lined ones, but there should be a different approach to handling this issue IMO.
i think that your wrong and that people need to stop crying about rep. and how interesting your -Rep =/
I'm -Rep because people are idiotic. I'll show you what the reasons why I have negative rep. "I am abusing the system. Quit ya @#!@in' =]" (he is telling me that he is abusing the system) and... "For being a whiny @!@#. ~Beta" Both of these instances are because im "whining" which isn't the case. If someone complains then they are automatically whining? This is just the perfect example of why the rep system needs to be removed.
They aren't automatically whining...but a lot of times they are. Case in point, those last two negative reps .
Dude why am I getting -rep in for posting this? I thought it was a legitimate post, i wasn't spamming, but everyone seems to think that I was...? It's in general chat, because it's just a general topic related to forgehub. it's not crazy off topic, is it? and if so can someone move it?