This is my first post on Forgehub and this map is titled Bad Neighbors. I do not recommend oddball for this map because it is probably breakable. Please message me if there are any problems with gametypes played on this map. Also tell me what to remove and what to add V2 Of this map HERE: I'll start with screenshots. this is the first defender's spawn. This is the defender's second spawn. Walk straight down the hall for a sniper. Sniper for defenders This is the kitchen where you bring the attacker's flag or plant the bomb if you are an attacker Flag spawn/warthog spawn. If you walk out through the little tunnel and turn right there is a shotgun. this is a destroyed house with a BR and a spartan laser. Attacker's First spawn/Attacker's flag spawn/defender's bomb pad. In the shack is a shotgun, 2 spike grenades, and a lot of fusion coils. Attacker's sniper. There is a Spartan laser hidden in this building also. Attacker's second spawn. In the box there is a deployable cover. Gravity hammer. A little building with plasma grenades and spikers. On top is a needler and behind the building is the oddball spawn Top of the sniper building. Has a brute shot. How to kill the shotgun camper. Dead shotgun camper. Get the shotty and get out of the house in 7 seconds(no time to tbag haha) The Attacker's flag spawn. I was too lazy to list the weapons, equipment, and vehicles. Explore the map. Download link : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Please message me if there are any problems with the map or if you have suggestions. -Leadh34d
Well this is definatley a good first post and you posted everthing correctly. I like the look of the map and the fact that you used the rear hallways not many foundry maps do that. I can't really get a great idea of the gameplay or layout from the pictures so I will download it and hopefully get back to you. However from the pics I think there may be too many power weapons. Also the warthog seems a bit pointless as there doesnt look to be much room to driver. Also if you read up on interlocking adn geomerging you will be able to make much better looking maps. Overall from the pictures 3.5/5, I will download and try to get back to you.
this is a very good map.From what I see it is flawless.Even with no Inter-Locking or Geo-Merging it good.I like the Back hallway.The only prob I have is the room with the fusion coils.I dont really like places like that.I would say make a v2 with G-Merging and I-Locking but I lik the fact that it doesnt have any.A v2 is up to youuuuu.5/5.Keep forging.
Actually this map has a bit of interlocking. The ramp to the roof and the box and wall are all interlocked. Also the part that blocks off the other side
Finally a trainee who actually posted a map right. I like this map, it has a nice design that you don't see at all. The backroom was actually used which you don't see often. Can't wait to see your next one!
I like the use of the back rooms on this map. I also like the layout. It does seem a bit open, though, and I personally hate the look of forged houses. The spawns and everything look reat, and I can tell you put a good amount of work and thought into this. I see that it is neat, too. Though there is no interlocking in most parts, it mostly doesnt need any. 3.5/5 and good work.