What is this, three days after supposed release? It's nice to see they finally gave enough of an ass to do something and release it.
Idk it might have been out then, but I just got it today... btw, I found a glitch!!!! YouTube - BFBC2 Onslaught Glitch Teehee
I noticed that the size of the file for Onslaught on the Marketplace was 956KB which most likely means its another DLC that was already on the disc.
You could be right, but the newest update was a download update, meaning it actually went into your active downloads and you had to wait for some time, being that it was over 200MBs, and that the only apparent change was adding Onslaught to the In Game Store. I think the update downloads it, the DLC unlocks it, but I could be wrong.
You sir, are presumably correct. This is what I had in mind. But it is nice how it all downloads so fast after updating
It depends. If you are a hardcore competitive gamer, then no. It is pretty fun, but seems like it could get boring pretty quick. Its almost as if you are buying a horde mode to BC2. If you like horde/firefight, then buy it.