That's just horrible! Alot of people never take this stuff seriously, but I always try to put myself in those people's places. Imagine how horrible and awful it would be to die by doing something seemingly meaningless like putting something on top of a bridge. You won't be remembered for that, you don't have any friends and family around you, and it's possible it was a very painful death.
thats really sad. My grandpa died in a helicopter accident :,| God be with the crews family, and the crew.
Oh damn. That's horrible. Some people have no compassion for that, which is sad. Check out some of the videos on in the shocking videos and there's some real dumbasses that laugh their asses off at stuff like this.
I do admit that I watch this with a bit of amazed fascination, I didn't post it just to bum people out. But there's certainly no celebration. Funny thing is... when I first learned about slingloading (the technique they are attempting in the video) I would always wonder why they didn't do it more often, for just about everything. Now I see the danger.
At first I thought this looked a little fake. Seriously, though, these events are very horrible. Those types of helicopters are known for crashing though, right?
The CH-47 is a really old airfame, been around since the Vietnam War. It may be a tad bit harsh to say it's know for crashing as they are safely operated regularly and are still very heavily used, but I know from personal experience of a few more Chinook crashes than I wish I did.
Is there a news story or something about this? What was it trying to place, some decor? Why did the news reporter barely react to it? Answers?
Ahhh.. sorry I'd really rather not go much into anything. I'll post some links.... these both involved my unit when I was in the Army. 4 soldiers die in Georgia copter crash - Life- June 2006 Operation Red Wing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia June 2005... see "Failed Rescue" heading. @Zander... It's just a random video I ran across, I don't know anything about it the actual incident. To me, the item kind of looks like the Olympic Flame statue or something... no idea.