WTF? Nemi was just trying to tell him how to fix it and wasn't flaming him at all. Your post on the other hand was just plain spam. But back to the pic, I can't really tell what's going on because all I see is a guy meleeing.
maybe you should embed the whole pic like everyone else Do you need help to do that its really simple,free and you will HAVE to do it for at least maps
Here. Copy and paste this code into your post. Code: [noparse][IMG][/IMG][/noparse]
for future reference 1 click on your pictures in the bungie viewer to download them 2 register with photobucket/imageshack and upload your picture 3 from there copy the img tag into your post use the preview button to check before you submit if you need more help or other questions click my name and send me a private message
yup it really does. Theres just nothing special and it sucks even worse than most of the other noobish ones we see here. 1/10