Hello fh i am back with my next map after a successful testing night The map worked just none of my gametypes did so i fixed that along with my teleporters and added two kill zones on the top of the red and blue base Pics: Kill zones: Soft kill zones There is also a soft kill zone that covers the top of the level because I could not afford a ceiling. Description: This map is compatible with every gametype expect invasion, race and safe havens. Don't worry they all work now. It is a symmetrical map that fits 4 to 16 players the more the better. This is mostly an objective map and is best played with object games slayer is fun but not as objective on this map. weapon setup:(it is the normal spawn time for said item if not mentioned) 2 DMR's 2 Needle Rifles 2 Shotguns 2 Needlers 2 Plasma Repeaters 2 Sniper Rifles ST 60 1 Grenade Launcher ST 75 1 Magnum 1 Plasma Pistol 1 Turret ST 90 1 Plasma Turret ST 90 6 Plasma Grenades 8 Frag Grenades Thank you for your time please comment, rate, tag and download. Backbiter