This is a section of Any map MLG or not Which often trouble forgers... The back halls to foundry has any one come up with any good suggestions or useful tricking in using them in there maps. I'm working on some concepts and would like to see what the community can come up with.
MLG Triumph used them incredibly well. I dont think they have an up to date version on FH but if you maybe need something to spark an idea i would recommend looking at that
it is very narrow and a quick route to the other side of the map... balancing the risk and the reward is what needs to be done... so with that being said increasing the risk... im not recommending alot of fusion coils piled up LAWL that is not at all what i mean... while its a hard task (not for great forgers like the ones here of course...) i think the best way to go about it is to decrease cover by geomerging walls or fense boxes or if u wanna waste em for this boxes to create narrower walls somewhat equal to the door way... now that im sure is very narrow... i would have to look at it... or another way would be to (very conSINtrated thinking) giving it more travel so it isnt uncontested.... or u could well um... ummm.... so ppl have to enter the line of sight so often to pass through using fence walls or walls or what not and angle them like so |/ \|... i will keep thinking but thats all i can come up w/ for now i may be back tho hope one of those suggestions helped or inspired help
I remember seeing a map that just used the back hallways. It looked so fun. I didn;t download and haven't seen it in a while. I'll search around for it and post it.
It's used pretty good in some Infection maps... but that's about it. Triumph is really the only MLG map that even uses the back halls, and it's pretty easy to camp back there. It's too narrow and there's just not enough entrances to make it usable.
I agree with most of you guys.. I'm just wondering would there be a way to make the back halls of foundry play like the Pit's DEFAULT Rocket hallway. That Could lead to a very very interesting MLG map... just thinking..
Maybe blocking off the two doors closest to eachother in the middle, and leaving the two outside ones open.
Metallic Snake and I were messing around in Forge yesterday and I came up with some epic geomerges. It's actually fairly simple to merge boxes in the back hallway once you get the hang of it. Ask Metallic Snake to teach you his fence method, it's amazing how well it works.
I was thinking of that but also worried about making it limited fire holes from that point of view... Since this would mean I am using all of foundry having a few points that span across the map would be interesting ..just for me at least. I mean limiting fire also means the time you go to the back hall means longer time your stuck away from the fight. So for the default Back Hallway is there any thing that is game breaker ... like very camp ish back there? I mean the room is a sure game place I think ... and the more space we use on foundry means we have more interesting maps right? The MLG forged maps seem so much smaller then Construct and Pit comparisons... The area used is like dead space as well... I noticed that spending 150$ on the wall to keep the player in would be used in better ways could spice up the map as well. More feel of a map maybe? Also I like small covers sections like the ramps in front of Gold lift on Construct... a level very meant for fire support ...