Sandbox Back Burner

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by ShaddoBlade, Mar 18, 2009.


What do you think of my track?

  1. Hella fun!

    33 vote(s)
  2. Meh.

    4 vote(s)
  3. I've had better.

    1 vote(s)
  4. Not my style.

    0 vote(s)
  1. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
    Senior Member

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    Without any ado, I give you my first racetrack:

    Another Overview

    And Another


    One more for kicks

    POV from start

    POV from first bank

    POV from third bank

    POV after fourth bank

    POV from final turn

    Cheaters: Be Ye Warned

    Hope you liked it!
    Gametype: Any racing variant (weapons placed for Battletracks)

    Special Thanks to Toxic Spade for inspiring me make a racetrack with his constant nagging. =p​
    #1 ShaddoBlade, Mar 18, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2009
  2. Glitch100

    Glitch100 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Truly Amazing!
    Excellent Job Dude!
    This will without doubt, provide many hours of fun, and great racing!
    Its well interlocked, and has a good design, will come back in a moment with final review (Y) :D

    After A few laps :) I can say its a good map; the simplicity adds much fun, and the banked turns are great (Y)

    I give it 4.9/5
    With the sole fact that the Grav lift at spawn 'slows you down'
    Other than that :D
    Its quite awesome :)
    Whats with the needler :?
    #2 Glitch100, Mar 18, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2009
  3. Captain Forge

    Captain Forge Ancient
    Senior Member

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    truely amazing job dude! I'll just have to download that asap. Now, one question is, what is up with the fnal picture?
  4. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the review and for downloading and playing it. That's a rarity these days. The grav lift was something I was iffy about, because it looks out of place, but it is in there because 1 out of maybe 20 times you will land badly for no apparent reason after hitting the checkpoint, and the grav lift helps you keep control if that happens. It doesn't spawn at start, so you won't be encumbered by it then. Only if you have to restart will it really slow you down. The needler is one of the weapons placed on the map for Battletracks races. I placed the weapons so that you wouldn't notice them or the weapon holders if you do Racetracks or other variants with No Weapons On Map.

    Thanks. I'm assuming you mean the screenshot and not the logo... I just wanted to throw one in showing what happens if you walk through the checkpoint (you get sent to a receiver node hanging out in the dunes and hafta free fall until the out-of-bounds lasers shoot you. As it turns out, they aren't very accurate at this range. I've made it to the ground and jumped a couple times before getting killed.) Hope that answered your question.
    #4 ShaddoBlade, Mar 18, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2009
  5. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
    Senior Member

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    Nice job Blade! I had no idea that you were working on a track. It looks very nice from the pics. I have just qued for DL. I will have to come back and edit my post for some direct comments. The layout and the banked sections look amazing. Nice pics. I can't wait to try it..
  6. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm just speechless.
    This is has to be the first racing map that has caught my eye since summer.
    I love the curves and the overall flow of everything, it really reminds me of a roller coaster, just so nice looking (cough kinda like me cough)!

    Overall: 9/10
  7. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
    Senior Member

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    Thanks a lot. I look forward to your review. It'll mean a lot coming from you. And, please, call me Shaddo.

    Since summer, really? There have been SO many good ones. You must not be looking hard enough. Anyways... glad you like my track. I spent a lot of time on it, and it's still not as good as I would like it, but I'll save that thought for my next work. And you should prolly get some meds for that cough. Could be contagious.
  8. IPokeSnails

    IPokeSnails Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ive played a similar racetrack but on the floor of sandbox this is more fun being in the skybox. Good job. Love any race track really :p
  9. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow, the only thing i could think of when i saw this map was "lolwut?"

    this truly is the best race map since accelerator, way back last summer on foundry. i give you immense kudos to making a map of this caliber. i've been waiting for a race like this for a long time. actually, the last map i saw like this was the original foundry racetrack [with no merging and played like a rollercoaster]. feature, you deserve it.
  10. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, AnF Knight's map Paramount has the same feel as mine. I was kinda bummed to see him post it when I was getting close to completion on mine. Oh well, now you have two awesome roller coasters to race on.

    Accelerator was an excellent map, although I am more partial towards Accelatron (still on my hard drive). Is Bungie 500 the original Foundry track you speak of? It was the first I ever saw. Feature? I doubt it. There are a lot of more deserving forgers out there than me. Thanks for the compliment though.
  11. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
    Senior Member

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    most of the racing maps i try out get boring after a couple curcits but this one i havent gotten bored yet and ive played it alot with my friends aswell ive got to say amazing job the curves are perfect everything is smooth i really would love to see your new maps whic i hope you make
  12. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hey man this map looks insane. I Dl'd it and will give it a reveiw tomorrow morning. I guess i'm one of the few who test the map before giving it a 5/5 which seems to happen quite a bit nowadays lol. I'm also almost done with my map which will be my first real battle tracks map and will be insane for it. If you want to see it sometime just message me and give me some tips for making it good for battle tracks or making things smoother =)

    You're track looks really smooth though and those banks look awesome. I'll test out that grav lift issue that you are talking about too lol.
  13. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
    Senior Member

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    Glad that you enjoyed it. I will prolly make more eventually, but forging gets boring for me really fast, so it may be a while before I get started on another.

    Hey, thanks for the download, and I look forward to your review and your map. I don't really have any tips for making a BT map, as any race could be one, but I just added several weapons to the map, and placed some bordering to protect people that are just spawning. And make sure to have your respawn points on the very edge or up against a wall to prevent people from spawnkilling. As for the smoothness, there are a variety of techniques out there that will get you what you want. It just depends on how patient you are and how much time you are willing to spend on each piece. I am very happy how mine turned out, as the roughest parts are the bank transitions and even those are pretty smooth. I'm sure I'll get better at making them with experience. The grav lift isn't that big of a problem. It's like 5 feet from start so it doesn't really slow you down, it just stops your acceleration for a second. And if you get on one of the outer mongooses, you can drive around it with ease if you want that extra half-second off your lap time.
  14. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Totally cute dude :p, haha nice, track it looks pretty aweseome, right up there, with sky pyramid, and paramount, those 3 have the potential for some great featuers ! hahaa

    5/5 for me :D

  15. cras777

    cras777 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sir, I have awarded you... The Internet!

    This track is so awesome I would give you the internet.

    If i was Bill Gates.

    Anyways... Awesome looking map, downloading it now, and a cheat proof system. The only things that can't be glitched.
  16. Kevinth3Killer

    Kevinth3Killer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is the first racetrack I'm actually not going to delete after 2 laps, ty for already adding the weapons for battle tracks (it's very helpfull) cuz no offense to anybody but racing is kind of gay without competition cuz if someone falls off then they basically lost if the other person is decent but having weapons requires the other person to be skilled enough to dodge, great map deserves 4.99999/5
  17. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah man this map is super smooth. I'm not sure how it got to be that smooth and it is really fun to play on. It would be really good for battle tracks. All I did was race through it with me and my guest lol. I noticed you were really close on having a problem with the 1st and 3rd banks becuase you had to interlock them a little for it to be good lol. The grav lift thing doesn't really bother me at all though. I probably would say more but I have to go to school lol. 5/5 man!
  18. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the input everyone. Glad you like it. Yeah, the first and third banks are interlocked. It was quite a close call, but I kinda like how it is. Adds a little something extra to the track. I really think the grav lift helps a lot more than it hurts anything. But if anyone really doesn't like it, they can just delete it. Thanks again for the comments.
  19. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    This is the most fun I have had on a racetrack since ever. The interlocking of the tightly banked curves and turns is seamless. Even though some turns are difficult, I never had an issue with falling off the map. It was loads of fun to drive on, and I definitely think this is the best race map I've played on sandbox so far, with I guess Paramount as second place.
  20. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This... looks... amazing.

    Seriously dude. It looks so entirely epic, I almost jizzed in my pants (not really). I'ma definitely going to DL this. I'll come back later with a better review. For now this looks awesome though.

    My Review:

    Aesthetics: 5/5 - Everything was interlocked perfectly. The whole track is a true work of art. And from a distance, the track looks so epicly epic.

    Gameplay: 4/5 - I found myself having to slow down in a few places and I flipped once coming off of the T-wall turn when I hit the rail on the side. I was going top speed or close to it 90% of the time though.

    Durability: 3.5/5 - I fell off at least once every few laps. While I'm definitely not the best mongoose racer, some places were very hard to stay on the track. And on the second big banked turn, you have to slow down too much before the turn. That combined with the steepness of the bank makes it hard to stay on the turn. While I never fell off that turn, I was on the inside part of it every time around. The shield doors were very well placed.

    Creativity: 4.5/5 - Very creative design of the track. It looks like a pimped-out figure-8. And I like how you used up all of one item and then went on to the next item. It makes it look very professional.

    Originality: 5/5 - I have never seen this design before. And going from one direction of a banked turn, directly to another... I have never seen that before.

    Overall: 4.4/5

    Very impressive track.
    #20 AceOfSpades, Mar 19, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2009

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