Download Here This is version of 2 of the Back Alleys map I made. A lot of you probably never even saw the first one, but I felt like making version 2 of it anyway. Like the first version, the map is designed for ffa slayer only. The map contains several alley ways. The last alley way won't be available until after 2 minutes into the game. This is also blocks off one of the existing alley ways. Now heres whats different. Along with access to alley 5, other parts of the map also change after 2 minutes in. Alley 5 also changes another minute into the game (3 minutes from the start of the game). I also added a teleporter to alley 5 that takes you inside some of the crates in the first part of the map. You also take stairs into alley 5 instead hopping around on boxes now too. And I took out the statue things on top of the alley ways. Overview Alley 1 Alley 2 Alley 3[/Iimg] Alley 4 before 2 min. [img] The pick of alley 4 after 2 min. was supposed to be here, but it keeps saying it was moved or deleted, which I know it it isn't. I'm not sure what's wrong with it, but I'm trying to fix it. Alley 5 before 3 min. Alley 5 after 3 min. Open Area before 2 min. Open Area after 2 min. Inside the boxes.
the fact that an entire cortyard becomes filled with boxes is interesting. i wonder if you stood there do you get crushed? nice tight corridor map by the way is really soimething i like so great map!
hmm... I never thought about what would happen if you were standing where the boxes and stuff spawn.... that could be a problem...
If u crouch under it you go under the floor. Its not a very good idea to have timed map events accessable before they appear. It would have been better to block this area off and add a timed staircase or box letting you jump over.
looks alot like a map i made awhile ago except i never finished it anyways good job and is it possible to get ont the top of all the boxes
You're not supposed to be able to get on top, but with the way I made some of the stuff, you might be able to get up there with grenade jumps of something.