"This once-magnificent flying fortress is now nothing more than a chassis and some rooms, a testament to thermite usage." Babygap's Blimp was a map that I made by the request of my friend Babygap1325. The request was simple: make a map that was symmetrical, in midair, and contained a central building with a Concussion Rifle inside. The map went through many iterations, with me trying to balance a sense of good gameplay with Babygap1325's vision. Needless to say, it turned out better than expected. Combat in this map revolves around a center structure. The map has been made so that in order to get from one base to the other, players must pass through the central building. There are three main paths that lead from each side of the map to the middle. Those same three paths then form exits to lead to the enemy's base. Thus, control of the center structure will allow any player or team to own the map. Now for pictures: Note: Since both sides are the same, only one will be shown. The locations are the same in all ways but color. This is the Red base. The Blue base is identical in all ways but color. The main base building has a gravity lift that leads to the second floor. The second floor allows for a better vantage point but leaves the player vulnerable. There is also a fusion coil that enables grenades to more easily kill sharpshooters on that balcony. Protruding from the base is a platform that then tuns into the Red Bridge and a ramp leading downward to Red Bottom. There is a teleporter exit under Red Bridge that has an entrance behind the base. The Green Building branches from Red Bottom and gives Red team a vantage point over the Blue base. There is a platform behind the building that has a DMR and a great place to shoot at the other side from. Between Green Building an Red Bottom is a Plasma Repeater and Plasma Grenades. On the opposite, Blue side of the map, Green building becomes Orange building. This is just a close-up of the Red Bridge. A DMR leans on one of the columns that provides modest cover against hostiles on the other side of the bridge. Farther down is a Magnum, and even further down is the central structure. Inside the second floor of this building (Central Top for short) is a Concussion Rifle and routes to the rest of the map. The bottom floor of the center building (known in shorthand as Central Bottom) has inside it a Needler, ramps to get to Central Top, and the routes to both Red Bottom and Blue Bottom. That is Babygap's Blimp. It is compatible with all gametypes except for the Invasion, Race, and Territories variants, and supports up to four teams playing at once, and up to eight in Free-for-All. Babygap1325 loved it, and I hope you Forge Hub folk do too.
It would be helpful if there was a bigger, whole map view. I see your main points through the pictures, but you could upload some more. Like a full-view and maybe action shots.
I couldn't get a whole-map view, it's just too long of a map. And I probably should have put in some action shots, but I did not have a custom game on this map for quite some time.