this is really cool, i love the stock, and you got everything looking good. lol i kno thats not much of a review but it looks great.
I like the Cat, don't really like your text. It doesn't really blend with the Sig, and it's too Crisp. Try duplicating the layer of your text and blurr the back layer a bit. I dunno. Could I see the stock?
Get better text, please. Also the scanlines are a little disturbing, but I guess they work. Looks good, just fix the text.
Yeah I know about the text, I am really not good at text, do you have any font suggestions or stuff I could do to make the text better?
try making the sig smaller, and use a default arial font. nothing bold, but yeah, smaller canvas would be good too. seems like the text is filling in a part of the sig, smaller canvas + smaller text size=better sig.