Sandbox [b]Tunnel of Death![/b]

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by teejam, Apr 25, 2009.

  1. teejam

    teejam Ancient
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    Created by teejam II, with help from Herman Danglees and BROOK5EY

    Supported Gametypes:
    All gametyps ought to be supported. Assault and CTF gametypes work best

    Map Description
    It might have been done before, but not on Sandbox. Tunnel of Death is a tunnel or corridor simply stretching from one end of the sky area to the other.
    2 bases on each side with a bunch of weapons and equipment. 2 flags that need to be captured. 2 Mongeese (or Mongooses). A room with a shotgun in the middle. The bigger the teams, the more fun.
    Also, not many of my friends list have the mythic maps, and you really need big teams to play this map, so add teejam II if you want to play some custom games on Sandbox.

    Time fore some pics

    How it looks from the outside

    The Mongoose may travel fast but its tricky to avoid fire in small sapces

    Teams spawn on walkways around the base to stop spawn camping

    Mongoose attacks rarely work but it looks cool with someone on the back holding a rocket laucher

    the Shotgun room divides the tunnel in two

    the Sniper rifle is effective too


    This is only my second map Ive forged so please download and leave feedback in the comments thanks :)
    And check out my other map: Resting Place. It's a pretty cool infection map and Im well proud of it.

    Download the Tunnel of Death here
  2. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map seems very unique for sandbox and I'm glad to see something posted other than towns or pyramids. I'm generally an infection player, so I'm on the wall about downloading this map due to limited space.
  3. rosserik

    rosserik Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hey nice map man looks fun I will DL now. it would be a dream for snipers also you should think of making a conquest version

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