B Ball Court A basketball court. Created by Ryan101Gamer. 4-16 players This is a very neat basketball court. It is like the official Griffball Court but it is Basketball.My Maps 1. Blockade 2. Escape 3 3. Haunted Station Download My B Ball Court Map Here Download My Basketball 1 Gametype Here The overall court, there are grav lifts to jump and score points and it is possible to do 360’s and score a point. Side B is the red team and side A is the blue team. On the big wall the red team has an over shield that resembles their team and the blue team has an active camo. Also, each team has their own type of warthog like a machine gun turret and a gauss turret for show and both warthogs are facing each other like they are competing against one another. A mongoose to carry the bomb carrier. Scoring a point. Download My B Ball Court Map Here Download My Basketball 1 Gametype Here
Some of the things on the map seem a bit "random". Like the mongoose in a basketball game? The truck and mancannon over in the corner. Other then that the map looks descent not to good by the judge of it. Also this belongs in the Mini-game section
This has been done hundreds of times. I'm sorry but it is really unoriginal. I also agree with street. There's a lot of random stuff. Like the mongoose.
4/5 Map This is not a competitive type of map it is a minigame remove and post it in minigame. Ehh actually its a 1/5 gameplay looks bad theres mongooses in a basketball game, mancannons, grav lifts, and a truck.
everything seems weird, walls could be merged for aesthenics, what is a truck doing these, and does the mongoose serve a porpoise
this is a weird map also how many mongooses are there on the map cause it looks hard to do it with out the mongoose
i have to say b ball is fun... but a mongoose completly destroys the purpose, and the court has been made a few dozens time already, everything else looks nice though
I like the idea a lot.. everyone is getting on you about unoriginality, but I personally haven't seen this before. I think with some polish and maybe being a little more conversative on unnecessary map elements (like the mongeese..), this would be really fun.