Azure Warpath

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by JJ3672, Aug 28, 2008.


On a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being the highest), rate this map.

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  1. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    By: JJ3672

    'Vehicles and shield doors are perfect together. Set up for ALL gametypes and 2-8 players. By JJ3672.'


    Video Walkthrough Link (courtesy of Gamevee)

    Mini-Contest - think of an amusing quote for the final action shot. If I like it better than the current one, I'll give + rep and post it in place of the previously existing quote.

    A Quick Rundown

    If any of you FH vets remember Azure Trail which I released three months ago or so, then you'll recognize this as the much-improved remake.

    Almost exactly a month after releasing Enigma, I give you a symmetrical Standoff map that oozes innovation while is still a blast to play.

    If you've never fallen to your death before, then let me inform you that it is an invogorating experience that this map will not let you miss out on. Therefore, even though all standard games/gametypes work well here, it might be a good idea to turn off the suicide penalty.

    Just so you know what you're getting into, this map contains:

    1. Bouncing ghosts and choppers. If you don't know that RB is used to exit a vehicle, now might be a good time to learn.

    2. Destructible cover, pathways, scenery, etc. If you love to blow stuff up, then this is pretty close to paradise. Just remember that the pallet you're standing on might be gone a second later.

    3. Various tunnels and ways to navigate the map. Don't be afraid to take a chance on a jump, the respawn counter won't make fun of you if you miss.

    Overview n' Description


    A whole map overview. At its core, the design is relatively simple: two bases and a central platform.


    An quick shot at the main level of red base. The main deck is open enough for cross-map BR'ing, while cover is not far off.


    Two small tunnels at red base. The left tunnel contains a teleporter to blue base, the right tunnel holds a Needler. Look before you leap: the pallets won't be around forever. OS is aesthetic only.


    Under the bridge at red base. A good place to sneak around and get the jump on unsuspecting players coming down from up top. OS in the fence box are aesthetic to differentiate between bases.


    The bottom level of red base. A perfect example of destructible cover/scenery. Grab that Brute Shot while you can. The active teleporter shown is the exit to red base's long tunnel.


    Boom. Can't argue with this logic.


    The entrance to red base's long tunnel. Drop into the mancannon from the main deck to access a Deployable Cover and Mauler. The upside down reciever node linked to the sender node at the end of the tunnel takes players up to the BR barrier, above the tunnel entrance.


    The top deck of red base. Either take a vehicle across or hop across the pallet path onto the center platform.


    A shot of blue base's pallet path (red base's is identical on the other side of the central platform) which players can use to get to the center platform. Don't fall off.


    The center platform, indicated by aesthetic CP's. The Splazer is the main feature here, but the Bubble Shield on the other side of the platform is equally useful.


    Maybe I forgot to say that the aesthetic arches are destructible cover. Don't expect them to respawn either.


    A overhead perspective of mainly red base, though some of blue base can barely be seen at the right edge of the shot.



    1 Splazer, r=120
    2 Brute Shots, r=90, c=1
    2 Needlers, r=90, c=2
    2 Maulers, r=60, c=1
    4 BR's, r=20, c=2
    2 Carbines, r=30, c=2
    4 SMG's, r=30, c=2
    2 Plasma Pistols, r=30


    2 Deployable Covers, r=60
    1 Bubble Shield, r=90


    8 Plasmas, r=20
    2 Firebombs, r=30


    2 Ghosts, min/max'd
    2 Choppers, min/max'd

    Action Shots


    One blue attacks with SMG's, the other attacks by shoving his ass in the red player's face.


    Either I posted this picture to show how hard I fail at jumping, or I just wanted to show off my amazing inpenetrable* boundary wall.


    Insert mandatory "GET TO DA CHOPPAH" here.


    Did I say that the area under the bridge was safe? Well it is...sort of.


    A well placed nade leaves me trapped in the Needler tunnel.


    "Wadda ya mean I can't park here?" - posted by BennyIV


    Thanks for reading, and don't forget to check out my previous map, Enigma, which is currently at over 200 DL's.

    Don't forget to DL, rate, and comment.

    *inpenetrability of wall is debatable
    #1 JJ3672, Aug 28, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2008
    BennyIV and Psycho like this.
  2. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    This looks like a really fun map. You had a really cool idea for the shield doors as vehicle transportation. I like the cover in this map because it is destructible, especially the Spartan Laser spawn :p . I will download it and try it out today and give you more feedback tonight! 5/5.
  3. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    thats a cool floating map and i think ive seen this before but anyway the energy bridge thing is pretty cool and would be fun to play on
  4. ThPerfectDrug77

    ThPerfectDrug77 Ancient
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    ...ok i give. your gimmicks caught me. no, i can't take this map all that seriously, but it just looks way too fun to pass up. using vehicles just to get across, getting trapped in a room cuz the pallets break... i gotta try this. already downloaded
  5. BennyIV

    BennyIV Ancient
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    This is exceptional. i usually dont give rep on many things but this deserves it. I love how you can fall off everywhere as well as all the destructible places to walk on. i give it 5/5 Great map and post.

    oh and for the chopper picture where you said you might give rep im gonna go with the quote, "Wadda ya mean I can't park here?"

    Edit directed at guy below me. Great job on the spam post you just added. its very helpful when you clutter the forums with useless posts like that one.
    what a waste of space. post something meaningful
    JJ3672 likes this.
  6. Forge|Designer|C13

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  7. Hoff

    Hoff Ancient
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    Cool, a remake of that other map. It looks good. I'm glad you added vehicles that can shoot, instead of just having mongooses. That should make it so you have a fair chance to cross, and not only being able to cross when no one is going to shoot you.

    But with four vehicles, it might get a little crowed. I'll download and check it out when I get the chance.
  8. PingPongLegend

    PingPongLegend Ancient
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    wow this is easily the best map that takes place off of standoff
    just curious why didnt you put weapon holders on the pallets to hold them down?
  9. Zeta Arcadee

    Zeta Arcadee Ancient
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    Looks like a fun map to play. I'll download when I have more space. Nice use of shield bridge and scenery.
  10. Lemons Reloaded

    Lemons Reloaded Ancient
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    this map reminds me of Interrobang excpet this is on standoff. ill hav to dl and get back 2 you b4 i can tell u wat rly think.
  11. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Yo, great job on this map. I've seen them over Avalanche, Blackout, and now this. Sick dude, and the destroyable cover IS a good idea. 5/5, I want to see more of your creative maps!
  12. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    OMFG I saw the original version and it was really cool. Plus I DLed Enigma which I have yet to play with a large team, but I really want to. Awesome map buddy.
  13. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    sweet map dude i attempted to make a map like this but couldnt think of what to do for a layout. it looks relly fun and cant wait to play it 5/5
  14. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    He could have gotten out. In fact I cam through the teleporter and jumped out in front of him while he was 'stuck' there to cap his flag.

    It's an easy angle/curve jump to a crate that spawns in line with the pallets that were destroyed lol. Was funny to hear him in proximity voice, "How the hell did you get out!!!"

    Was a great map mate, I thoroughly enjoyed testing it. I like the changes you've made to it too, adds more cover and a bit more chaos.
  15. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    sorry I didnt realize this was a V2 lolz. I thought you were stealing the origional azure and editing it. I even tried to message tex lolz. Any way nice job on the map bit it dosent look like the choppers would work.
  16. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Excellent post first of all! I personally think it is a great map. I don't like the whole floating base over Standoff idea just because I don't like those kind of maps in general... You did a great job with this one though. Everything seems balanced out. Weapons, equipment, scenery. I wish I could see how the spawns play out because it takes some some skill to get good spawns on a map like this. Great job and I hope to see more from you in the future. Happy Forging!
  17. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    is this basically the exact same thing with ghosts and barriers?
  18. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    would this go petter with pasta or cream sauce? cuz its made of winnoodles and i want to eat them
    insane, origional and well forged
    great concept and good preformance

    Amusing Quote: "awwww ****, not again"
  19. Cookieking23

    Cookieking23 Ancient
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    I like that its floating, since most maps don't use that space of Standoff. 4.5/5
  20. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    "Bet you can't pop a wheelie like this"
    Looks tight. I'm a big fan of maps made in that area. But I'm not much of a fan of the portal between bases.

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