Aztec Ziggurat

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by xx Hakeem xx, Mar 9, 2008.

  1. xx Hakeem xx

    xx Hakeem xx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Aztec Ziggurat

    Ziggurat Staircase Base 02 Side

    Outside Ziggurat Base 01 Side

    Map Link

    The two opposing bases are separated by the Ziggurat in the center of the map. Each base has a floating platform that houses it's own flag (or bomb arm point), along with mancannons nearby that launch you to the opposite end of the Ziggurat. There are only a few ways in and out of each
    base, but once you get in completing the objective should not be a problem. The flag and bomb arm points are located close to each teams mancannon, making it easy to escape the enemies base once you obtain their flag. Each base is also provided with 2 mongeese, which can be used to scale the Ziggurat, or to help escort a flagman quickly to your base.

    The Ziggurat itself is 4 stories high and covers most of the map. On each side are gaint staircases that lead up to the 3rd floor, from there you have acess to the rest of the Ziggurat. Inside each floor is interconnected, providing quick access to each teams base at ground level. Located near the back entrances of the Ziggurat are portals that lead to the catwalks above.

    1st Floor Inside Ziggurat on Base 01 Side

    1st & 2nd Floor Stairs Inside Ziggurat

    2nd Floor Inside Ziggurat

    3rd Floor Inside Ziggurat

    Catwalk Base 01 Side

    Base 01 Flag

    Base 01 Below

    You Shall Not Pass!



    Full Size Screenshots:
    The Temple Guardian

    Inside Ziggurat:
    Ziggurat 1st Floor Base 01 Side
    Ziggurat 1st Floor Base 02 Side
    Ziggurat 1st & 2nd Floor Staircase
    Ziggurat 2nd Floor
    Ziggurat 3rd Floor

    Outside Ziggurat:
    Ziggurat Apex
    Ziggurat Outside Base 01 Side
    Ziggurat Oustide Base 02 Side
    Ziggurat Staircase Base 01 Side
    Ziggurat Staircase Base 02 Side
    Catwalk Base 01 Side
    Catwalk Base 02 Side

    Bases 01 & 02:
    Base 01 Back Hall
    Base 01 Below
    Base 01 Flag
    Base 02 Back Hall
    Base 02 Below
    Base 02 Flag


    Game Variants:
    For additional information about each variants, please visit the links provided. Each section here lists map specifics for each variant. Almost all game variants are supported (multi–team does not work with some variants). Additional variants can be found on my file share.

    Ziggurat Team Slayer
    –Supports Multi–Team (2 Teams spawn inside/outside the Ziggurat, 2 at the bases)

    Ziggurat Multi-Flag
    –Flag Spawn/Return Points are located on the platforms at each base

    Ziggurat Multi-Bomb
    –Bomb Spawn/Return Points are located on the platforms at each base
    –The Neutral Bomb is on the 3rd floor of the Ziggurat

    Ziggurat FFA KoTH
    –1 Hill is below each base (2)
    –1 Hill is located on the 3rd floor of the Ziggurat
    –1 Hill is located on the catwalk by the Fuel Rod Gun
    –Supports Multi–Team (2 Teams spawn inside/outside the Ziggurat, 2 at the bases)

    –1 Goal Point is located on the platforms at each base (2)
    –1 Goal Point is located on the 3rd floor of the Ziggurat
    –1 Goal Point is located on the catwalk by the Fuel Rod Gun

    VIP War
    –1 Goal Point is located on the platforms at each base (2)
    –1 Goal Point is located on the 3rd floor of the Ziggurat
    –1 Goal Point is located on the catwalk by the Fuel Rod Gun
    –Supports Multi–Team (2 Teams spawn inside/outside the Ziggurat, 2 at the bases)

    D.L. Infection
    –Humans Spawn inside/outside the Ziggurat
    –Zombies Spawn at bases 01/02

    –Oddball Spawns on the 3rd floor of the Ziggurat
    –Supports Multi–Team (2 Teams spawn inside/outside the Ziggurat, 2 at the bases)

    –1 Territory is located on the platforms at each base (2)
    –1 Territory is located on the 3rd floor of the Ziggurat
    –1 Territory is located on the catwalk by the Fuel Rod Gun
    –Supports Multi–Team (2 Teams spawn inside/outside the Ziggurat, 2 at the bases)

    Notes: This Map supports Goal Points, but they are not used in my game variants. I also did not have room to upload any Territory or Oddball game variants on my file share, so feel free to experiment with your own. Please visit the post for a complete listing of weapons and items.

    Alot of time was spent in the creation of this map (80+ hours), so any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Aztec Ziggurat (4 Stories High & Spans Half the Map)

    Damn, I was building one of these. Looks like I have to change it up.
  3. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Aztec Ziggurat (4 Stories High & Spans Half the Map)

    Your thread title can only be the name of the map.
    And I've seen bigger. Tallest was 7 stories high.
  4. deepmonkey paw

    deepmonkey paw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Aztec Ziggurat (4 Stories High & Spans Half the Map)

    WOW.. thaz an awesome post man.. The map looks pretty crazy too. Sounds like it would be kinda fun. It's hard to tell what the inside is like by just looking at the pics though. I would like to DL and run around in it.
  5. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Aztec Ziggurat (4 Stories High & Spans Half the Map)

    That's what she said ;)
  6. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
    Senior Member

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    Re: Aztec Ziggurat (4 Stories High & Spans Half the Map)

    damn i was gonna say that. =[
    The map looks great, must,ve took a good amount of time to actually make. I would put a little more scenery outside though. (i like scenery). A lot of power weapons too. I'm not sure if that will play out so well.
  7. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice pyramid i like nice post

    oTACTITIONo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks pretty sweet man.
    It took me a second to remember what a Ziggurat was. I can't believe world history actually helped me for once.
  9. Matty

    Matty Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks dam cool. Well done on this one. I cant believe u managed to make an entire map inside this also.
  10. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The post seems like it took one hell of a long time, but the problem is that it's too long, you might want to cut down on something.
    Perhaps the list of weapons/equipment, its not really necessary, unless you are making an MLG variant.
    This map doesn't seem the most original thing, as people have been building pyramid-like structures since Foundry came out.
    To me this looks a little bland.
  11. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    a really nice looking pyramid even if pyramids have been done alot i like this one more than most.
  12. xx Hakeem xx

    xx Hakeem xx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks everyone for your feedback.
    Sorry about the title, I adjusted it. When making this map I decided to go for a slightly more uniform look with the Ziggurat (all similar blocks), I felt like it brought out more of the maps aesthetic properties. I would be
    interested in seeing the 7 story Ziggurat though if you have a link.

    I labeled each section of pictures according to location, hopefully this helps to clear things up. In order to get a complete feel for the map you almost have to explore it yourself, as there are a few areas not completely shown in the pictures.

    Thanks I will definately take those comments into consideration. The map itself did not get tested much, so I was not able to see how well gameplay worked out. I will see what I can do about swapping out weapons for more cover and scenery if I get a chance.

    I will cut out the weapon/equipment listing on this thread, but will leave them on the Bungie post. The map itself has been in a near completed state for months (about 2 weeks after Foundary came out), but due to the extra workload I have had this semester, I have not had much time to post it. I also revised the map close to 5 times before posting it, so to say the least the map was overdue by about 2 months. Either way I felt some might enjoy it still even if it's not up to par with todays maps, so I decided to post it.
  13. Hiney Sneeze

    Hiney Sneeze Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sounds very interesting. I have an affinity for pyramids and am excited to DL and check this out.
  14. Yekkou

    Yekkou Yellow, but with "kk"s
    Senior Member

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    Nice dude, i thought this was another one of those king of the hill "get to the top and kill everyone" maps. Im glad it wasn't. Anyways this looks tight. I like the inside too. *thumbs up =D
  15. The Dew

    The Dew Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks like that map from Shadowrun.

    Good job.
  16. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map: Aztec Ziggurat

    Overall Enjoyment Durability Aesthetics Originality Balance

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    5/10 4/10 7/10 6/10 6/10 6/10

    Map Review Haiku:

    Sniper rifles, swords,
    Flamethrower, trip mines, oh my,
    Umm... too much power?


    Enjoyment: Overall, I didn't really enjoy either of the games we played on this map. I totally won the FFA, but I felt bad because all I had to do was ***** the sword and the regen. The CTF game was a bit better, but there wasn't much to make me go 'ooh'.

    Durability: I didn't really see any issues here. I tended to spawn facing the opposite direction of where I wanted to go, and I think somebody complained about wall-facing spawns. And there were a few places where the floors could have been more even... which should be easy to correct in a simple 90° foundry map like this one.

    Aesthetics: The screenshots make this map look great... especially the low-angle one of the front of the structure. From the chief's point of view, though, there wasn't much to look at. There wasn't anything ugly, but nothing caught my eye. Very boxy-foundry-map.

    Originality: Meh. I like the use of the word ziggurat. It's just a pretty well made structure in Foundry.

    Balance: Umm... the power weapons all hurt real bad, especially the swords. I know people like power weapon maps, occasionally, but this one seemed like a little too much, especially for the map geometry.

    Rick's Suggestions:

    -Don't get me wrong, this is a good map. Definitely playable. It just doesn't have any real draw for me. The layout is very modestly interesting, but it could do with some more creative touches.
    -make the weapon-set a bit less powerful
    -Keep makin' maps.

    *This is the first review in Cosmic's attempt to spread out his scores to highlight the better maps. This would have been a 6 with my older criteria.
  17. Hiney Sneeze

    Hiney Sneeze Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm shocked that I'm going to say this, but interlocking sure would help this map. I'm not a fan of doing it, but I have done so and it really cleans up a structure. I've built four pyramid levels and the fourth is the one I'm going to post, eventually. Looking back at my first one, I did not interlock. My map suffered for it because after playing boards like .DifferentLevel, I find myself looking at maps while I ran around playing them.

    I really like the layout of the pyramid and see things that you accomplished with yours that I would like to have accomplished with mine (i.e., stairs right up the middle of sides). I truly believe that an interlocked structure like yours would be a very good map visually and I think you'd enjoy making it if you chose to do so.

    Regarding play, I echo Cosmic Rick; the power weapons are overkill. The higher bridges that contain the turrets were hard for me to access. The jump was difficult for me due to the closeness to the top of the playable space.

    I had enough fun to look forward to your future levels, though. I hope you clean this one up and give me a version 2!
  18. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
    Senior Member

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    All in all, I feel like 'Control The Top' maps have been done to death.
  19. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow i was gonna make one very similar to this.
    I havent yet, so theres no harsh feelings
    guess i'll have to alter my plans

    Anyway looks pretty cool

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