AZN Cottage Map Pack 1 Created by AZN FTW & I Cottage I These two maps belong to the AZN Cottage Map Pack (ACMP). The map pack is Forge Hub's first attempt at multi-purpose maps. All maps and all gametypes with [ACMP] in the description are compatible with each other. They will also be compatible with all future ACMPs. AZN Cottage is the term used for a tower-based map flexible enough to have any gametype be made around it (VIP, Juggernaut, KOTH, CTF, etc.) and is built by AZN FTW and I Cottage I. You don't need all of the gametypes or all of the maps... take your pick of the ones you like, and stay tuned at for future ACMPs. DK's Jungle Welcome to DK's Jungle! The tree house is heavily fortified with a turret and snipers at the sniper perch, but it doesn't go without its weaknesses. You can sneak up the trunk of the treehouse taking the grav lifts up to the sniper perch. If there is someone on the turret, grab a Flare or some Flame Grenades and spoil the fun. Wanna beat the rush? Grab a mongoose and get there first, however this approach leaves you poorly equipped... so take caution! Hope you guys enjoy duking it out for the banana hoard! Mario Tower Remember those old days, back when Nintendo revolutionized the game industry with Mario. Well this map will help you remember. The tower is made of crates of elevating levels with two snipers at the top. And for all of the gametypes, the top is where you wanna be (as will be for most/all of the ACMP Maps). At the base of the tower there is what we call the graveyard. Built originally as a defense against the turrets at the base of the tower (it was later removed), now used as a way of sneaking around without getting killed instantly. Hope you guys enjoy this blast from the past! Download Mario Tower Download DK's Jungle Download Domination-King of the Hill Download Single Theft-One Sided CTF - No Longer Available Download Multi Theft-Multi Flag CTF Download Single Siege-One Sided Territories Download Multi Siege-Multiple Territories - No Longer Available Download Breakout-Infection
I love how you made only 6 gametypes and 2 maps. I liked it because I could que it up in one fell swoop. I wont be able to download them until tomorrow (when I come home from my dads), but plan on trying them with friends in the coming week. One week of school left! PS - I noticed AZN FTW wasnt in the FHTG. Where do you get your testers from?!
Very well done, nice to see mario come into play in the later terms, instead of mario cart, like everyone does. Great maps! I can't wait to see what you guys do with the heroic map pack!
Sweet, will download as soon as I can get my XBL back up. Hopefully that'll be before Tuesday >.> ~Jakester1024
Personally, I prefer your maps that are just made for one game variant. That way you can make it to the best of your ability, but then again....MORE MAPS!!!!! lol idc anyways, variety is a good thing. I'm kind of running out of room though. I need to sort through the really bad maps I just get by checking random people's fileshares when matchmaking lol. First comment!
Alright so after playtesting a few rounds officially. There will be a ACMP1.1 update within the coming week. We are coming up with ideas to make your play more enjoyable and balanced. Also if you haven't played this yet I strongly suggest Single Siege (One-Sided Territories) on Mario Tower, and Breakout on DK's Jungle. Unlike most of the maps out there, if you don't work as a time you truly are screwed. We came up with some interesting strategies for the above gametypes.
I played both earlier, we didn't manage to do all the game types but the main three we did were the Single Sided Territories and King of The Hill on Mario Tower and Infection on DK Tower. The King of The Hill on Mario Tower was fun. I didn't like it as much when it had to uncontested just because someone could get up top early and if a crate fell then it was pretty much over. When we played you could score uncontested, 3-4 teams it was great. Single Sided Territories on Mario Tower was absolutely awesome. It was epicly awesome. I have nothing at all I can say bad about this. Infection on DK tower was good as long as you had a good team. The only problem I had it so times you could get "stuck in the butt".
**IMPORTANT** We know we stated that there was going to be 3 maps. However Hyrule castle ran into the item limit (we tried to place KOTH spawns and it said could not create object. too many on map... and it said the same for everything else). We are trying to modify Hyrule Castle for ACMP2, as well as another map for the package (No it won't be on any of the new maps, just out of principle. Eventually we will make AZN Cottages on the new maps, but not right away.) Along with those 2 maps, I already have an idea for a VIP Gametype, Juggernaut Gametype, and another Territory Variant.
I don't like this six gametype idea. You should know these maps by know, put support for every gametype, then post up the map with the best one or two gametypes for it. I don't understand why I would want to play multi flag on either of these maps, it would be really boring. Instead, I'm just going to get Mario Tower with one sided terroritories.
Multi-Flag happens to be really fun... I actually had fun playing with 1v1 Multi-Flag with Cottage when there was a turret on the map. We lol'ed... These maps don't work if you don't have a team that works together. We were playing One-Sided Territories and were getting like 7 taken every round, till we realized we needed some at the base of the tower, and some at the middle and top. After we got that down, we were all set. The same worked for infection on DK's Jungle. And Gravedigger you have no right to determine whether or not we should only post a few of the gametypes that work. It is up to the individual player to determine what he/she likes the best. And it says exactly that in the description. "You don't need all of the gametypes or all of the maps... take your pick of the ones you like"
I have to say, Mario tower was surprisingly fun on territories for such a simple map. I had a friend over yesterday and he had a blast with it. =D
You have no right to say I can't have my own opinion, you made the map, you should be able to judge what modes work.
No I should be able to judge what modes are available being on of the creators. Everyone has their own likes and dislikes, the more variety one has in a map, the more it apeals to the community and the more happy customers you have. "put support for every gametype, then post up the map with the best one or two gametypes for it." That is not an opinion. That is an instruction. You can have your own opinion, but trying to dictate how another Forger presents his/her maps is not good conduct at all. You have been trying to dictate how people do things on their maps for a very long time. I give suggestions and options. You tell them there is one way and only one way to do it "right" or what is right in your opinion. ANYWAYS, this probably isn't the place to argue the point. If anyone feels these posts shouldn't be here then please remove. If not, let people read, understand, and think what they want to think.
And the team I was on was on the receiving end... :-[ From the gametypes I played, they were good fun. I especially like the feeling of having to watch your back in DK's jungle, that's plays really great for infection. As for the other subject of this thread, this isn't directed at anyone in particular, but merely my opinion on how everyone should behave. I'm not going to say whether this person or this person does so or not, I'm not interested in going there. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but they should be made respectfully and in a positive way... If someone's taken time over a map, they naturally are more vulnerable to being hurt by negative comments. I'm not saying no one can criticise maps, I think people should criticise maps as often as they can, as long as it is constructive. This is not a competition so let's all try to get along.
Will you be my neighbor? LAWLZ!!! Anyway, I can't wait to play some of the other gametypes, for each of the maps. Hopefully, my mic works for them. Anyone wanting to join, again just send me a message (or a FR that I can invite and then deny).
Maybe I was a little mean the way I said it. But the point is, it's great that you made it support every mode. That way I can play whatever I want on your map. But you should only post the maps with the modes that are the most fun. If infection is fun on DK's Jungle, then that mode should have been posted with it so that if I get DK's Jungle, I get the Infection too. You and Cottage are the most familiar with these maps, so you should be able to tell me what modes will be fun. I really can't see why I would play these maps again if I end up picking two sided terroritories on DK's Jungle. If that's the first game I play here, I will likely lose interest in them. Therefore there should be some sort of official note that the Infection and Dk's Jungle go together.
Actully Infection works great on Mario Tower too. And we said it works for every gametype that is part of ACMP. It may have goals and stuff for the other gametypes, but they probably won't do so well until we make a gametype that is compatible. That is why we included the other gametypes, so they could have special gametypes tailored to the AZN Cottages. Thanks for the input though Gravedigger. I will keep that in mind for next release.