Foundry Axis

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by H3C x Nevz, Feb 18, 2009.

  1. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    The Covenant have successfully infiltrated this derailed facility. Now, they have begun to adapt.

    Axis is version two of my old FFA map, Industrial. Among other changes, Axis features a revamped weapon set, smoother map breakage, additional ways for players to navigate the map, and new rooms. The main theme of axis is a multi-roomed, complex FFA or Doubles map. It has a covenant weapon set, featuring the spartan laser and many carbines.

    Its gametypes recommended include:
    • FFA Ninjanaut
    • FFA Oddball
    • Doubles One Flag
    • Doubles Oddball

    • 1v1s: recommended
    • 3/4 player FFA: highly recommended
    • Doubles: highly recommended

    Doubles slayer doesn't work nearly as well as objectives such as Oddball and One Flag, because with an objective in mind, players tend to cycle the map a bit more and you find battles everywhere.

    #1 H3C x Nevz, Feb 18, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2009

    JASONYO Ancient
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    hows the gameplay. u never mentioned the testing process and how it went. i mean, one can c that u have exceptional forging skills and 1337 interlox. but if we were only trying to go for aesthetics, this map would b in a different section. ill download it and see how it plays
  3. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    looks like a pimtastic map, its got teh interlocks, teh geomerging, so lol! yeah.. on a serious note, i really like the overall feel of this map, its urban + professional, with really nice layout choices. the effect you used on the pics for this post is really cool as well, a blur border with enhanced contrast if im not mistaken...
  4. arrrghSAM

    arrrghSAM Ancient
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    If the gameplay way back on Industrial is anything to go by, this map is going to be amazing to play on.
    I remember when you first told me you were redoing Industrial, I more or less instantly knew this map would be pretty amazing.
    As far as I'm aware this isn't much of a change from Industrial, besides a few new structures, but that can never be a bad thing when the original map was so great to play on.
    We need to get a few games on this when we're both online!
    Going from what I saw of Axis in Forge a few weeks ago, aesthetically it's definitely a break from all the geomerge obsessed, ultimately unplayable maps.
    The structures were not only original, but each and every one affects gameplay in it's own way, depending on how you play, and the routes you take.
    I really hope this map gets noticed, because to be totally honest Nevz, it really deserves it.
    I personally think it's one of your best maps to date.

    Well done!
  5. InnerSandman13

    InnerSandman13 Ancient
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    I joined in on a game of Ninja ball on this map and it was awesome!!!!!!!!! Mainly cuz I won the game. The map played perfectly but I think it is possible to do 3v3. 5/5
  6. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    I see a very good improvement on this map since Industrial. I'm very puzzled on why you only put Covenant maps, 'Industrial' is even more of a human theme.

    The game play looks very good, but I have yet to play on it. I really admire how you make your post feel good by using photoshop on almost everything, it makes your map 5 times better. I might give you some feedback when I play a game or two.
  7. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Thanks. The main reason for the Covenant weapon set was, with v1 of the map, it was described:

    This bustling UNSC facility hosts intense FFA battles.

    Now, in v2 (This post), it is described:

    The Covenant have successfully infiltrated this derailed facility. Now, they have begun to adapt.

    So, in a way, it has a backstory. That's why the weapon set shifted. Anyways, thanks to everyone for the kind words. We had quite the game of Ninjaball on last night, until our party grew from 3 to 8 people... a little more than this map is suited to handle. All in all, ask Sam or Innersandman, the gameplay is solid.

    Yep, you guessed it. I love using photoshop to make my posts a little better.
  8. Pomegrenade

    Pomegrenade Ancient
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    this amp looks wicked; with an outside section and an outside section this map looks fun with nice geomerging and fusing; the curved walls with ledges in them are sweet and so are the geomerged barriers great map
  9. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Thanks, but it has actually been updated since this - expect a new version with cool lifts and additional areas in a few days.
  10. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    This map is awesome... one downside, I managed to break the map, I recommnded the film clip of me doing it over xbox live. So when you post the next version I hope to see that break gone.

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