Axis Gametype PLEASE READ: Hey, I'm Bnasty, been forging for a while but this is the first map I actually finished. As you may have noticed from the pictures this map is small, thats because it's not your normal map, it's a BR Warmup map. I didn't include that in the title because then people would think it was a circle with shield doors, but its quite different. I had an idea for this a long time ago, I just didn't think anyone would be interested until I saw a thread a while back with the same idea, so I thought about it and came up with this. Kids camping at S3 with sniper on guardian ffa's wasn't getting me warmed up, so I thought about what would and the layout just came to me. I've put a lot of brain power into this and I've perfected the geometry, lines of site, and gameplay in general. I don't really feel like explaining what I did to manipulate gameplay in a certain fashion, but I can tell you that this map is a great warmup that requires aim, cover, peekshooting, and some strategy which makes for a great warmup. There is currently no weapons on map besides one frag that doesn't spawn at start, but every 30 seconds, feel free to change the starting weapon if you want to practice something else like carbines (oh wait Bungie. . ). Speaking of, the kind folks at Bungie decided to ban my fileshare, so the screenshots/map/gametype are on his fileshare, but once he removes them you can't download, so if anyone will host please contact me. The gametype is normal MLG settings except for no team, force color white, 110% shield recharge, 5 rounds score to win 5. Some of you may be curious about the last part, but it's with good reason. Starting a new round goes to black screen, everytime Halo 3 is on black screen it picks a new host, this changes up some of the unfairness of this (which I can't do anything about besides this really). If you don't like it you don't have to, it's just not as fun if your shooting a sponge. Enough talking, here's some pics: High Side/ Jump up High side tower (it's not bumpy, just looks bad) Middle structure/ Frag spawn (cuts off lots of high sides angles preventing domination and spawn killing) Tunnel Corner (pic doesn't show much, good one crossed)
damn dude excellent geomerging.....ok things to improve on noew! in the middle structure picture, try and get it so that you have no bump on that side thing, as well as a single box on both sides, leading to that wall....also, I believe it would be AWESOME to have a switch in here, add me on live, GT XxsdrakulichxX, and ill help you make it 4/5, wonderful map
Wow..... Nice idea I like the BR warmup idea... and the awesome box ramp looks like it took a while to get things looking that good I will download and check this one out
This is really good, I like how the map looks very clean. bonus points for anti spawn camping. And the best part is that I was looking for something just like this thanks
This map has nice aesteatics (Spelling) and is probably good for FFA Slayer, I will download and come back with a better review. For now, It's a 4.5/5.
This is a very clean map, and would play great for MLG. I really do think that this map would be a good team doubles map. Great JOb
Oh wow, this is sweet. Where to begin... The cleanliness and lines of sight are only a few of the many strong points of this map. Also, the massive box ramp (and curving bridges) are very nice aesthetic add-ons. The 1v1's I've played so far on this were simply delicious. Whoever the hell said this is unoriginal needs to check themselves. And maybe play the map before they critique. But anyway... The bottom line is: Gorgeous map. Good job, man.
you have some serious skills, i must admit, almost like some one whose name rhymes with gloumbas... anyway, I love the map, it runs extremely smothe wwith little to nk bumps, i also love the aesthenics you have put into it, its a great looking map, so again congrats. I'm not sure if i would wanna play FFA MLG first to five, but I think it would play well with a lot of things.Also, you should add a weapon set, until done, 4.5/5
I love the map, it's beautifully interlocked and the whole nine yards. the interlocking so that area is in jumping distance is smart in the third picture. This map is so well done it's feature worthy! But, you should add cover to the high side tower ramp. 4.8/5, very nice.
I've gotta check this on forge. These are the maps that just look so clean you have to get a download. I'll come back and edit this post on the game play probably tonight or tomorrow morning, amazing. Great layout, hopefully the game play is just as good. The only thing is it looks like it might be a little small, and I guess a 2v2 or 1v1 would work hoping you have your spawn areas set up correctly.
That's looking real good, man! Looks really smooth. Must have been some hard work doing all that interlocking so precise? I'll download this for sure and check it out.
how is this an unoriginal idea. go find a map similar to this and then i'll believe u. and if u haven't played it don't give it a rating. a def dl from me. from the pics it looks like it has excellent interlocking and has well thought out positioning
Ah this is a nice little map and I played your suggested 2 player max. The problem is the map is just like a circle. So when one player makes it to the top of your hill, BRing skills really pop out of place. The person on the hill has so much control and dominates the spawn killing. This map doesn't have to be bigger, but either more cover or just a larger wall in some part of the map. The spawn killing even on a 1v1 is pretty messed up. You should somehow design a back path from the opposite side from the hill that leads to the back of the hill to make the game play flow better. The map looks nice, and isn't the hardest map made and for looks and effort I'll give you a 3/5 because there are some unecessary bumps that could easily be fixed on a map such as this one. Also, you need to fix your spawn areas, maybe a floating spawn in the air over the hill. For the game play on a 1v1, sorry 2/5. You've really got some work to do on this map, I highly suggest either redoing some of the layout or added some huge covered spawn areas to the map. The slope going up to the hill is pretty nice though, but bumpy . Hopefully you can make these changes, if you're not either out of money or stuck at 0 from UBG. GL. Actually this is a nice looking map from the pictures, and honestly is decently well built, but seriously Golly, you've gotta at least read the description or play on the map before you say it's feature worthy. Maybe it is feature worthy, once it's fixed up. Try giving more constructive and honest feedback.
You should start teaching classes to people on interlocking and geomerging, you are a pro at that. I like the map, but it is a bit small for my tastes, but that is not your fault, it is the size of foundry's fault. Great job, 6.4/7 (try to figure that rating out)
Seriously, just jump, you don't jump really high in halo for nothing; secondly, this is a BR warm up map, not some ridiculous map that uses a switch which takes up half of the map to open some stupid door. Nice map, superbly made and everything, I personally would add maybe 1 more sign jutting out, as to add some more tactical jumps. 1 question: Do you start with grenades?
I played this map with B the day before release, and I can honestly say I enjoyed it more than any actual BR map I've ever played - mostly due to the game type turning starting grenades off, but the layout is also fantastic. It's pretty to look at, fun to play on, and virtually bumpless where intended, this map at least deserves a look around in Forge if not a space on your hardrive. ~ Domi (consider yourself bumped.)
i'm going to delete this post in like 10 hours when my hangover wheres off, and have a logical reply as my bump of the day. you should continue to bump and get my featured for lolz.