Axis: This map consists of one main tower in the center with a circle of merged walls around it with a spearhead at the top. From that to either side are towers that are one single box merged in to a double box that was floated off the ground so that you can crouch under it. these are surrounded by stairs and have a cannon man to shoot you up to were the sniper is on both sides. The two spawning sides are symmetrical and are relatively simple. No one spawns anywhere but in/on the two sides that are on the walls of foundry. Starting at the wall made by me on both sides are: A horizontal fence box and a vertical fence box to make a path way up to two window panels that lead off on to a bridge. That goes onto a open box closed with a dumpster on the side towards the middle inside is a spawn point. Leading off this box towards the fence boxes is a double wall to provide protection. Then another bridge leads onto a closed box with a corner wall merged into it to make a hiding spot. then is an open box that you can't get into with a over shield/custom power up for side distention. A corner opening to the middle comes off and doors are next to that so that you can get behind it and go up to the closed box from another angle. In the open spaces between middle towers and sides are little alcoves that you can crouch into for another hideout. Gametype weapon, critisism information, and downloading: This map is made mostly for slayer game types with about 4 to each team, but can be done 2v2. I would not suggest larger than 6 per team but that's your call. This map is great flowing and is well merged with no bumps to slow you down. This map has MLG weapons and grenades but could easily be made into any other weapon set because there still room and budget. This is my first serious map and criticism is open. Please do not over critisize and be respectful and give reasons and a way to improve. Here is th link to download this map, : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing There are more screenshots available in my gallery:
Your screenshots do not work. You have to have a ImageShack or Photobucket Account. Sounds good though.
Welcome to forgehub! you need to embed your pics when you post a map. i see you are new here, so you probably don't how. you have to go to your bungie profile and save your pics to your computer. then, make a photobucket account and upload your pics there. you can copy the image from there to forgehub. there is a longer and better description of how to do this somewhere on this site, but my computer is being really slow and i cant find the link. sorry about that. good luck in your future here at forgehub.
calm down anyway, i looked at the map on your fileshare and it looks good. the interlocking looks clean, and i really like the top of that main tower. one suggestion i would give you is to put some more cover on the ground. as it is now, the ground is a little bare. i will download(when i have space) and give it a closer inspection.
sweet map! i love the structures in the middle! it kinda reminds me of wizard a lil bit. really nice job great interlocking nice design, etc.
I don't think a lot of the cover is affective. Usually, two corner walls interlocked into each other is not the ideal place to stay at. I know amplified has it, but they just use it as filler, not as legitimate cover. A good cover about the same size as that would be a geomerged single box ( so you can jump up to it) with a barrier, or a or b sign, or upside down window sticking out of it. Another example could be the fence walls. They don't provide any cover whatsoever. You could have put barrier pillars there, or a wall.
I was out of walls and barriers would disrupt the flow and not offer much protection anyway. also the interlocked corners are set were you can crawl into them so that they do offer more protection than normal but thanks for at least giving good advise and a reason
hmmm i like the center structure and it looks really good but it is a bit to open and id flip the bridges upside down to make it smoother
the bridges are smooth but yeah i guess I could but there merged and theres really no bump. but there is a small one I might give it some thought
Apperantly you got the pics working! Looks neat the structures and angles you created with your interlocking are very cool. Great work I'll download and try it!
cool map, with a nice layout, awesome interlocking too, but i think it would run better if you made the center platform an octogon,not with the cracks in between.
thanks and I did it like that because it was easier and takes less time but I'll give that some thought thanks for the complement