I had an idea for a map the other day that would be on Foundry and be like a war themed map. ________________________________________________________ Defend The Base ________________________________________________________ Defenders Base: ________________________________________________________ -Gaint wall like base. -Has alot of Medium and Far Range weapons that never respawn. Including 4 Machine Gun Turrets. -Has alot of breakable barricades and doors to stop Attackers from getting in. -Small Center Peice near top to place Bomb Plant Point. -Has alot of veiw of Attackers Spawn. -Has to hold off the Attackers for 5 minutes. -After 180 Seconds a Helicopter spawns and drops off more ammunition in a Half Closed Double Box. _______________________________________________________ Attackers Spawn: _______________________________________________________ -Bombs are falling from the sky. -Double Box spawns like in Storm the Beach. -Has alot of Close and Medium Range weapons that Respawn every 180 Seconds. -Has breakable cover to hide behind. -Has to destroy destroy the Defenders walls and doors to breach base and plant the bomb. Game is 2 or 4 Rounds long.
So since I cant create a Helicopter I posted this idea to see who can actually pull this off. I honestlly think this is going to be very impossible to do since you need to make the Helicopter look good with limited items since the rest of the map is big.
It depends how you make maps. If you use all Forge Techniques to make a very good map then by the time your finished then making a helicopter is almost impossible with limited objects.
Sounds like you just want to do a mock-up of Storm the Beach. I would almost suggest opening the original file and modding that--I've spoken with the original author and have been told that he doesn't mind mods to his maps, so long as it's clearly stated that he was the original author and credit is given where credit is due. Wouldn't be too hard to do, though you wouldn't be able to have the "helicopter" appear (just having the box with more ammo spawn would work to that end).
At 150 seconds, a hornet spawns out of the play area, with a bunch of fusion coils behind it, at 180 a fusion coils spawns that falls on the hornet blowing it and sending it flaming over the play area, a bunch of weapons fall in a line with varying height( this would have to be carefully calibrated) that cause them to all land in a fashion that makes sense. I suggest avalanche.
IDK What you guys are talking about a helicopter, maybe I misread, but yes, those are all awesome ideas. Is the base an actual wall itself? Because I might attempt that...
This is on Foundry and I only use mods every once and a while. But I have to have a friend mod it for me. Also this is going to be diffrent then Storm The Beach. I am not trying to copy it. I want to make a better map. Plus after I got good at Forging now I know how easy it was to make Storm The Beach. Also now every war map seems like Storm The Beach or D-Day so that means thousand have copied.