
Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Awe, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Awe

    Awe Forerunner

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    Awe is an mid.large unsymmetrical map. Has small structures all around a middle 3-level "arena". On 3 of the structures there are gravity lifts that leads into the middle and there's 2 teleports for an easy travailing around the map. 3 of the structures are bases (Red, Blue, Green) and each of them has a different power weapon on the roof. Red has Plasma Launcher, Blue has Grenade Launcher, Green Spartan Laser Gun.. Between Red and Blue base there's a structure whit an Warthog in it, between Blue and Green base there is a Banshee on top of an structure (The banshee can only reached whit Jet Pack) and between Red and Green there's a Ghost behind the rocks.

    Game types:
    2-10 Slayer FFA
    4-12 Team Slayer (up to 4v4 and 4v4v4)


    5 AR
    4 DMR
    2 Grenade launcher
    4 Magnum
    1 Rocket Launcher
    2 Shotgun
    1 Spartan Laser
    6 Frag Grenades

    1 Concussion Rifle
    1 Energy Sword
    5 Needle Rifle
    3 Needler
    1 Plasma Launcher
    4 Plasma Pistol
    1 Plasma Repeater
    1 Plasma Rifle
    1 Spiker
    8 Plasma Grenade

    1 Banshee
    1 Ghost
    5 Mongoose
    1 Warthog (Default)

    More of an fun map to play. It's probably not balanced.. Have not tested it on full teams ect.
    Placement on the Scenery objects is based on an covenant attack from the beach and humans for defending the place :p

    Obs. I wanna try it whit more people.. So send a msg to my gamertag And makes me happy ;D
    #1 Awe, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2011
  2. MANG0R1CE69

    MANG0R1CE69 Forerunner

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    It might just be me, but your picture is broken I believe.
  3. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    For ImageShack, there should be an "Embed in Forum" button on the lower right hand of the screen when you're viewing the picture in your album. Copy and paste that code into your thread and it should work fine. If you need more help, here's the official link.

    OT: I like the circular nature of the map. I'd worry about the top platforms being a bit campy, but as you said this is more of a fun map, I won't go at length about it. And finally, someone who has a liking for crates :3 Although they look kind of randomly dispersed at this point. Try and place them in strategic areas that not only block some lines of sight, but not obtrusive to keep the map flowing.
  4. Awe

    Awe Forerunner

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    Ty :D now pic works!
    Is more of a beta version now. So will take more time on making it functional =)

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