Holeeeeee ****. This looks ****ing amazing. mg:mg:mg:mg:mg: YouTube- Avatar: The Movie (New Extended HD Trailer)
That looks pretty ****ing sick. I haven't seen anything about that yet. I'm definitely gonna see that.
That looks pretty damn EPIC! No news about this anywhere? Wierd, anyways at 3:10 why would he drink like coffee during war?
The original trailer made the movie look like crap. The extended trailer feels and looks a lot better than the original. Avatar looks good now and I will most likely force my fiancee to go see it with me.
Wow it actually looks pretty cool..is this not at all related to the videogames/anime stuff that people love?
The aliens look a little wierd I must admit but the plot looks really cool, and I'll be sure to see it immediately after it comes out.