Sandbox Avarice

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by squidhands, Apr 22, 2009.

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  1. MADMAN Redux

    MADMAN Redux Ancient
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    This looks a lot more complex than the screenshots reveal. Queued for download.

    I am really digging the layout of this map and can't wait to play on it. My favorite thing (and it's so simple) are the open doors you use as windows on the outer walls. They aren't so functional as they are, I dunno, organic. They really give the map a sense of actual being. They bring it to life in my opinion.

    I also like how the lights are hidden, and you may have put a lot of thought into their placement, as sometimes hidden lights tend to be too bright.

    Overall, it's clear a lot of care went into Avarice. The layout, while you indicated is inspired by Unreal, seems almost like something we would have seen in Halo: CE.

    Now, initially, I am concerned with a couple things. Mainly, with the name, I was looking for a layout that offered an increased sense of risk vs. reward. Without playing it, I don't really know where the contested areas are, but it seems very safe to get the power weapons and power ups. For example, the sniper rifle is in a back hallway where it seems one team would be able to access it easier than the other. Why not put it in the middle of a room that could be attacked from all sides, such as where you have the plasma pistol?

    Also, as a specific point, I'm not a fan of putting grenades close to weapons, and you dropped a couple plasma grenades right next to a mauler. I just think, if you're going to place such importance on a location by putting so many tools there, you can do it by dropping a single more powerful tool. Forger's preference, I suppose. If I remember correctly, it's a very short distance from the rockets as well.

    Regardless, I can't wait to try it out. Hopefully, you'll be around tomorrow night for some customs with the Work Place!
    #21 MADMAN Redux, Apr 23, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2009
  2. Bipolar Mushroom

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    This map looks amazing! I like how you made it feel all enclosed when its in the skybox. Ill dl for sure!!
  3. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    YAY! I read the topic name, saw who posted it and was flooded with joy. Honestly I can't really understand a lot from the post other than it's obvious you believe this map is a piece of hard work. Thus, I'm intrigued and I click the DL link.
  4. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
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    Okay, now that I downloaded and checked this out, I love it even more. This was very creative and they layout is awesome. You know exactly what you are doing from the layout all the way up to weapons. I will be keeping this on my hard drive forever. I will also be following your maps from here on out.
  5. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    I just downloaded and took a forge through. This is one of the best asymmetric Sandbox maps I've seen. The map is clean, interesting to look at, and has nicely defined separate areas. I really respect forgers who can create a really solid and balanced asymmetric map. Most of my maps are symmetrical. It is a lot easier to build a symmetrical map because if you put something on one side all you have to do is go plop it down on the other side as well. Much more thought has to go into creating the various areas and you have to focus much more on balance because symmetrical maps are naturally balanced. The other impressive aspect of you map is the amount of time you spent testing, re-testing, rebuilding, and tweeking until it was right. I like the idea of building a map without any interlocking first to make sure the flow and fun factor are in place first. I've never done that, but it seems like the most logical way to start a map. Great work, Squid.
  6. OzPatriot

    OzPatriot Ancient
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    I took a forge through this map last night and I can only say that this is unbelievable...The forging is impeccible, but its so smooth that it doesn't stand out, but the parts that are meant to stand out do. It just feels like everything is right..You can really tell that you put a hell of alot of hours into your maps.

    The photos don't really do it justice as there is way more to this map..Also a assymetrical map that feels balanced. Thats something that not even Bungie has been able to do yet :)

    Have you thought of making an MLG version because i am pretty sure this is easily up to their standards?

    I want to give you some critiscism but Im sorry I can't lol
  7. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I can't thank you guys enough for the feedback for Avarice. It helps that I had a template to work off of (seriously, you guys need to play Unreal Tournament 3 and get ideas off of those maps, they're awesome) as far as basic design goes, but I'm still really happy that the map plays as well as it does (IMHO of course) despite the necessary changes that were made to adjust the layout and flow to Halo 3 gameplay.

    Now for some reader mail!!! :)
    Thanks for the great comments, MADMAN. It's refreshing to see some actual criticism here at Forge Hub, I hope your style rubs off on others here who like to use a 5-point system as their sole "review". To address your points on weapons: the Overshield is in a pretty high-risk spot, moreso than Camo. I've seen (and been on the receiving end of) people get sniped just short of OS, and it's a nice feeling when you're able to get it while under fire. As for the sniper rifle, having it on the balcony didn't really promote a whole lot of camping, and the Attackers were able to get it a lot quicker with it being on the ground floor. As it is, Attackers can get to snipe about as quickly as Defenders can get to rockets, and I've been able to get camo and assassinate the sniper as he sets up on the main bridge (which seems to be the most contested area). I can agree somewhat with your initial dislike for stickies right next to the Mauler, but testing revealed that people didn't go down in that area as much if there wasn't anything to entice them, and I was already happy with snipe and rocket placement. Mauler is on a long respawn as it is, so they don't usually spawn together when a player does go down there. Thanks again for the thoughtful criticisms, and I hope we can play on it during the next customs gamenight at the WorkPLace.

    As a matter of fact, I'm working on one right now, as well as a 1v1 variant (seems to be my schtick, 3 versions of the same map, lol) with Tak and HITtheLIGHTZ. As soon as they're ready to go, I'll post them here. Expect different weapon layouts and powerup placement.

    Thanks again for all the kind word, people. I'd also like to extend the invitation to anyone who has a capture card to throw one of your games on youtube. I'm always interested to see how other's would play this.
  8. RunTime83

    RunTime83 Ancient
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    Well, I honestly cant think of one negative thing to say about this map. Definitely one of the(if not THE) best asymmetrical maps in the skybubble part of Sandbox. So many places to go and attack from or defend against in not so big an area. The varying levels are what does it in this one. I probably won't be getting rid of this map for a very long time, if ever.
  9. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Okay, folks; rather than creating another thread in the MLG section, I'll just post the link to the MLG version of Avarice here and in the OP. The Mauler has been removed, as well as the other non-MLG weapons. Also the two frag grenades next to snipe were removed, and both sniper and rockets are now on drop-spawn timers. Hill and Ball play really well here, as does Slayer. Enjoy.

  10. HAHA a Magnum

    HAHA a Magnum Ancient
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    very nice map squid...not gonna lie im becoming a fan
    im dl right now!
  11. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Thanks, man! Hope to hear your comments on how it plays.

    Just wanted to update with some gameplay footage the o combatcarl o was nice enough to provide over at I don't know of any way to embed it here, so I'll just have to settle for the link. Gives a good overview of the map and how KOTH plays.

    Avarice GamePlay Video - Halo 3 Game - MLG Game Room

    DEATHPIMP72 Ancient
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    Glad to see this map is still at the top, it is awesome!!!
  13. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    This map is fantastic. I've only had a chance to play slayer on it but it's very well made and designed. Amazing work.
  14. Orange Soda King

    Senior Member

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    Whoa! I downloaded am and about to play with some friends.

    I really like this map, because it's a small close-range map, and even though I'm a big-team-battle person, smaller and closer games are fun too. Also, it seems very very balanced, more balanced than most maps. Great job!

    I'm sooo glad I found Forgehub!
  15. camping carl

    camping carl Ancient
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    wow, this is probably the best sky-box map to date. i played some doubles on this map and it played really well.

    PS: you got this thing in atlas yet?
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