Avalon is a multilevel map built around a single atrium. Pics... Lower level of the central atrium Upper level of the central atrium Middle Purple side Yellow side Blue base (red is the same) A view from the back of the base looking toward top yellow Transition area leading to top yellow (yellow side and purple side are slightly different) Transition area coming from blue base into bottom purple Stuff on the map DMR's Needle Rifles Frags Plasmas Grenade Launcher Jet Packs Health Packs
Dah!!! You suck. I just named my new map Avalon today after pondering names forever. Sokay, Ill figure something else out. This looks pretty sweet, after I check it out I will come back and let you know my thoughts.
With the amount of maps made, names are bound to be repeated. Feel free to use it if you want. I really wouldn't mind.
Zombie and I just had a quick forge through and although it's not anything effecting the map, we felt it was important you know that you have a sender node on Paradiso. I'm also unsure about the one-way shield platforms. They don't shoot you onto the GL platform but instead kind of just leave you bouncing on them until you direct yourself. I'm not sure if it's the actual map geometry or your aesthetic choices, but Avalon felt quite busy, borderline cramped in some spots. The teleporter lines took us a second to grasp, although in all fairness, you do have them set-up to the point where they are fairly easy to understand. Hope to get some customs on Avalon soon!
I definitely have a couple of places in mind that I think may be a bit too cramped. Did you have any places in mind in particular? I tried to color code the teleporters so that you know what color you will move to, and which direction you will move. You can tell by the color and the positioning of the ramps imbedded into the struts surrounding the teleporters. The bottom teleporters move you to the left. The top teleporters move you to the right (Blue and Yellow are a pair, and Red and Purple are a pair). As far as the shield platforms, instead of jumping straight up, you need to be moving toward the Grenade Launcher platform. Also, I tested this solely in MLG settings, so I don't really know if they'll work properly with other settings. Thanks for the heads up about the sender node. I used it to get above the soft ceiling, then forgot to delete it afterwards. If you get a chance to run some customs on it, I'd love to get some feedback on any spawning issues. Thank you for taking the time to do a walk through.
Well nibs said just about all I was going to say. These aesthetics are quite busy, especially for an MLG map. Most MLG maps tend to stick with simplicity. It is a litlle confusing at first but I did understand the tele system. Honestly though, as cool as the aesthetics can be, I think you should tone it down a bit. I wouldnt mind getting some games in with you guys if you want.
Okay. Now I'm REALLY curious about which aesthetics you're talking about. The only pieces that are there purely for aesthetic purposes are the small antenna which are connected to the grenade launcher platform, and the tunnel braces above the entrances into the upper atrium. Like I said earlier, I don't necessarily disagree that a few areas could be opened up more. It would just really help me if you could point me towards which areas in particular (or even in general) you're talking about. Otherwise I may be thinking of completely different areas than you guys are. Thanks again for doing a walk through. I really appreciate it.
And the walkway larges stretching across the top of the map. Its not like a really big deal that you have these things, its just that most MLG maps go the opposite direction. They usually have more open areas instead of tight knit rooms. And they usually stray away from distracting aesthetics that dont serve a purpose. So it isnt terrible to have them as long as there isnt any framerate problems.
Ahh, ok. They are there mainly to break up the lines of sight across the upper atrium. Since there is no height variation in that area, I need some type of cover to allow movement around the atrium. That was also the purpose of the elevated Grenade launcher platform (to break up los between the teleporters). It is just a bonus that it makes the map look like a more realistic structure. I totally get where you're coming from, though. The frame rate is fine in full screen, but it's not ideal. I'll look into some different ways of providing cover in place of the large walkways. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Updated Lots of aesthetic changes to improve frame rate Opened up bases and transition areas more Major changes to top purple and yellow, adding elevation changes to the upper level. Top purple and top yellow are slightly different from each other now, as well. Removed shield door lifts Various other changes that are too numerous to mention. Check out the first post for updated pictures and the new download link.