I think this would be a pretty good avalanche map idea, but im just TOO DAMN LAZY TO DO IT, so it's up for grabs if you like it. The map would take place in the center of avalanche where the hall is and the lift. You could block out the rest of the map except the two opposing cliffs. From here you make two bases on either side of the hallways, and make a structure off of the lift that you could cannon on to and possibly put a power weapon on. It would be fit for 2-6 players and I think would be very fun. So?
That's apretty damn good idea. It would maybe CTF or KOTH. Slayor would be ok, but not as good. Maybe oddball.... The power weapon would be a shotgun since it is such a small map. You would start out with SMG's. As for the structure in the middle, I might make it small so the people can fall of easily. Hmmmm.....I'm not saying I will make it, but when I'm bore I will give it a go.
This wouldn't take long at all. If you're too lazy to do it, then WOW. It seems like an alright idea but it would get very repetitive if the only way from one base to the other is the man cannons. If someone were to make this, I would suggest making alternative ways to each base to make gameplay more interesting.
I didn't mean that the bases were on the sides of the cannons, i meant that they are on the cliffs on the higher mancannon side. You could put a structure in the air that would block the cannon and there would be the power weapon.
I tried to do this a while back and ditched it. I found that first of all it was tedious and difficult to block off the cliffs - I imagine someone with more patience could do it better with geomerging and interlocking, but I got quickly bored of that part. Also I realized that the center area would be such a key part of the map that it would end up being a constant war zone with the rest ignored. I had an idea to split it vertically in two with bridges to provide two separate passages through that area, but there's not quite enough room for that to be done effectively. (The alternative would be teleporters from one side to the other, but the play area is so small that this would make it even more claustrophobic - people would constantly be popping up behind you.)