Hello, i have a question about forging on avalanche. regarding my next map which i would like to build in the avalanche caves. I need to know if i drop a double box into the chasm does it get lost for good or does it reapper in my inventory. Thanks if you reply.
If you have the money glitch then be careful to not drop the last object in the list or the initial one or you will lose it forever.
what happens is the once the object is let go and it falls below the death barriers it is deleted and goes back into your inventory. if you want a floor as close the death barrier as possible just get a friend in the party have them stand on the double box and slow lower it once the die stop lowering it and then move in up a little bit at a time and each time you move it up have them jump in it and if they die raise it up if they dont save changes and end game and start it back up
Thanks for all these comments it will help when i am making my map Iced in which takes place above the chasm in the avalanche caves once again thanks.