Please note that I am not sure if this is the right place for a map like this, and under these conditions. So please move this post to where you feel it is proper. Auto Hog Alpha1 Map: AutoHog Alpa1 Base Map: Foundry Glitches used: None Creator: RingWorld07 Description: This map is just a test map I put together that features a warthog that drives through the center of the map every few minutes. The idea is that the hog blasts through the map while unknowing players cross its path during battle. I doubt that I am the first to do this sort of thing in forge, but I have never seen any other maps with a hog that "drives" it self through the map. This map itself is obviously flawed but I am still posting it because I want other forgers to take my idea and build not only better maps around it but also better tracks. You should download the map to get the best idea of what I am describing, and I encourage you to get a few of your friends to play it with you so you can understand how the game play really is. Feel free to modify this map and make it your own. One Last Note: The reason I am posting this map is because I want to see maps that use moving objects or vehicles to add a new element to game play. So please take this concept and use it on your own maps or build, rebuild, and modify this map, I think this has a lot of potential. Supported Game Types (sorta,kinda): Capture the Flag King of the Hill Oddball Slayer/Team Slayer Note: I just kind of threw these game types together, and I have only really tested slayer, spawn points need work for all game types. Download AutoHog Alpha1 And a second non-finished similar map AutoHog Alpha2: Bonus: Download AutoHog Alpha2 Images of AutoHog Alpha1: I know there is a lot please don't flame me.
I actually had an idea like this, but it would've taken too many materials and money, so I abandoned it. In my version, though, I used a truck instead of a Warthog because it was much more effective and usually killed a bit more easily than the Hog, while still being approximately the same weight. Just for the hell of it, I'll mention that I'm building a map that uses chutes and people can use them to jump to different parts of the map. It's supposed to be a distribution center of sorts, complete with barrels and **** that fly down everything. I just wanted to make a map that actually looks like it should be made of the materials that Foundry supplies.... Anyway, good luck to anyone that uses this, I'd love to see the finished map versions of this from people =D
Is this a "run people over as the zombie" map? I'm not fond of these, but they are a laugh. Well done on the design, too. Even without interlockz, it's still good.
Kinda like a train station? I believe someone did this a while back, forgot what it was called though. I think they used a dumpster/wire spool, though. Still, Warthog looks a lot better. And funnier.
It has been done before, often, as Nemihara mentioned with dumpsters or wire spools. For instance, you have the minigame map Donkey Kong, my map Rejection, and there was a doubles Tourney map that had some sort of crate flung down the middle. That said, you've put effort into making it a playable map, so kudos to you. That, and the Warthog adds to the "realism", just because it's an actual vehicle. Now make one that fires mongeese!
Yah, the Warthog does look better and it drives through fairly strait and is pretty much a for sure kill if you are in its path, and most of the time it keeps going strait after a kill. The fact that the physics for a warthog is far more intricate than a wire spool or a crate helps. In reply to EpicFishFingers: Yah, I guess this map is kind of like run people over map, but I will probably remove the extra warthog so the only vehicle on the map will be the "autohog", and maybee a few mongoose. That and adding a few wapons can really change the game up. Also I plan on cleanign up the map by using more interlocks and technickes to line stuff up a little. In case anyone was wondering this map was inspired by the Train that barrels through the Halo 2 map Terminal. I have played maps like that before also, but this is a slightly different concept because the vehicle I moving smoothly down a linear path, not being flung wildly down a tunnel or something. I think I could probably make it fire all vehicles too if I adjusted the man cannons, well, maybe not a wraith.