Auto Deleted Wall?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by HalfBrian, May 1, 2008.

  1. HalfBrian

    HalfBrian Ancient
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    I was making my most recent map recently and had to sink a wall into the base area of Foundry.

    To do this, I set the surounding walls & two bridges for 180sec/No Spawn at Start. I used the door method, but had to float a door, so I S&Qed.

    When I came back, the objects I had 180/NSaS (no spawn at start) were deleted! I was pissed.

    I just redid the deleted walls, having no other recent save. Now I regularly create a new version of my map using Save as New.

    Anyone have this happen to them? Anyone know why it happens?

  2. Sixpakvb

    Sixpakvb Ancient
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    Maybe it's because you set it to not spawn at start? Turn the run time min to the max it can be then it'll spawn.
  3. HalfBrian

    HalfBrian Ancient
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    No, I did that, they indeed are no longer there
  4. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    That is very odd. But, the wall being merged deletes itself if it is merged in too far, so that may be the case, because the others could of been merged somehow also.
  5. SwordScar

    SwordScar Ancient
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    No, this is a recent glitch that has been occuring more. Whenver you save changes to a map ALWAYS make sure that the items are already respawned, otherwise the map may be "tricked" into thinking that there are no walls/items there, and the items set to not spawn at start may not be saved. This has happened COUNTLESS times to me, and friends. It may be tedious work to auto-spawn items before saving but it is worth it when you have something like a money glitched map.
  6. HalfBrian

    HalfBrian Ancient
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    Thanks a lot for that SwordScar, I was really wondering what happened... glad to hear it wasn't just me (and that there's a fix).
  7. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    This has never happened to me. A "glitch" I experience regularly that is related to this one has to do with what items appear/disappear at the start of a new forge session. The easiest fix is to just start a new round as soon as the game begins. All of your items will be returned to their accurate state, whether they be spawn at start or NOT spawn at start. You also run into situations where items are not selectable (cannot pick up/edit traits). Again, this can be cured by starting a new round.

    I'm assuming that this could be your problem, so try starting a new round if you see objects appearing/disappearing when you don't intend them to.

    AlCap's explanation could be equally correct, as perhaps you did the S&Q right as the item disappeared.

    If you or anyone else still have issues, reply to this thread.

  8. halo00178

    halo00178 Ancient
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    well iv had that happen on one of my maps but i think the main reason is because poeple accidentily hit the y button and dont relise it
  9. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Was anyone else in the party with you? If your online this can happen.
  10. HalfBrian

    HalfBrian Ancient
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    I am positive that SwordScar's description is correct because:

    1) The other person in the party was on the other side of the map
    2) The wall had not respawned, so no one could have deleted it
    3) I had already started a new round (and when I noticed they were gone, started another new round, set the wall to the max [so it should respawn instantly] and it still didn't spawn)
    4) The teardrop was gone

    Thanks for all your help guys

  11. iTs_NeXn

    iTs_NeXn Legendary
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    If 2 people in the same party save the map as the exact same name it'll do that sometimes, so tell the other person to save it as a new map with a different name.

    Thank bungie.
  12. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    I blame the lag. And I don't just mean a bad connection. Forge acts funny even if there are only two people and both have fast connections.

    Something similar happened to me and my friends when we were making a sandtrap map. We wanted the VIP checkpoint to be long and thin, almost like a wall, so people can pass through it easily from one angle only. When we realized that it was facing the wrong way, we simply went back in and changed it. We loaded up a custom game to test it out, and the checkpoint was still in the wrong position. After a couple more attempts with about 4-5 people in the party, I decided to do the edit solo (I left the party and closed my own room). After I made the fix, we had no problems at all.

    Since this can happen for placement of objects, I'm assuming it can happen with deleted objects as well. Ask your friend one more time if he/she didn't do anything, and if your friend swears, then it has to be because of lag.

    So, in the future, to test this, make changes solo, and see if Forge still acts funny. I assure you Forge is fine when you're not hindered by other people (even if everyone has fast connections).


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