Australia beats US to title of most obese nation. All this time Australians have been giving the US crap they've been hypocrites. I'm not saying I'm proud to be an American however...
I can't see the title of this thread leading anywhere in the positive direction, I suggest you change it before someone starts something (assuming you already haven't).
How could Australia be the "fattest nation in the world" when america has like 10 times the population that we do? We don't have the "supersize" option at mcdonalds, we certainly don't have a drivethrough donut store and you can't buy twinkies here either. So this must have been a biased sample. % of total population shouldn't be used, the number of fat people should.
There is a simple explantion. Australians speand more time trying to get their 50 in Halo as they never get host and have to put up with laggy Amercians. Seriously, who cares. If people are happy being 'overweight', let them be.
You know what else is unhealthy and sets a bad example? Being severely underweight, but the American media sells it.
touche my good sir. [or m'am] i agree with you, but people should definately not enjoy being overweight. ive seen some real pathetic examples of life in my day. it shouldnt get to that point.
If it's peoples own choice, fine. However if its 'fat' kids whos parents very much control what they eat, the parents should be charged with child negligents.
Now, all we have to do is show the results to all those British people on XBL always calling me a fat yank; we're the fattest nation. Now it is Australia, I can't wait to bask in glory.
This isn't fair. We already get ripped for our accent. "Why don't you shut up and put another shrimp on tha barby?". Now this. I'm hacking that site. We Aussies need our ammo.
Never saw many fat asses in Dallas either and yet America is the fat country. I see more fat people in my 15 minute drive to work here than I saw all day back home.
Thats how I feel at about 2 in the morning when aussies are getting host and I can't hit **** with a br in SWAT.
Ratio=/=Amount of fatshits, America has more of a culture to do with fast food, it is associated with you.
Actually wrong. From a recent study 'I' did. I found that Aussie's get host less than 20% over America/Britain, no matter what connection speeds they are on or what the ratio of Aus to other are in the game. Don't think my facts are right? They are as accurate as this study of world's fattest country. It is not a sensis, it is just a random number of people taken from a certain area(s) in each country. Firstly, it is out of date. Secondly, 14000 people is approx. 1/1428 of Austalia's population. Thirdly, it does not show which/how many Americans were charted (for all we know they could be from an anorexia ward). Finally, it is not a sensin of a nation. As I've seen through this post people saying 'there are hardly and fat people in my area', possibly the study came from your area? Unless it is a study of the total population, this so-called 'study' can not be encountered on for the liability of the truth. Back to your 'host' exageration. I am from Australia. I never play ranked games without good connection selected. (With the exemption of lone wolves, RBR and object as it is almost impossible to find a game in with good connection selected). Atleast, I repeat ATLEAST 70% of these games are far from good connection and 50% of these (of the 70%) results in my loss because of a bad host. The host does not come from fellow Aussies but generally Americans (about 60% Americans, 20% British, 20% other). Now, re-read your post. You're whinging about not getting host at 2am in the morning? Maybe you shouldn't be playing at 2am in the morning all the time. Possibly there is more the life than staying up all night to play Halo. Is there the possiblity you could get 'your' facts right before making such a claim against Australians. In all hostesty, getting a rank 50 in America is FAR easier than any other country. It is almost the equivalent to a 47 in Australia. Think I'm wrong? Look at the thread your in, a totally unreliable report of fattest nations is what you believe in? Now think again...
Yes it sucks, i am from australia. It is done by percentage... america actually has more fat people, but they have more people overall.. that is why australia is the fattest country in the world. Ohwell.. i'm not fat, so if people insult me over XBL i'll just shame them using politics.. like i usally do.
Re-read my post above you; The study is not in a position to be saying anyone is the fattest country. Honestly, I don't care if we are the fattest nation. All I care about is that people don't bother to look at the facts before acting on what they have been shown. Maybe we need to see which nation 'responds on what they want to believe most'...