Original post found HERE ________________________________________________________________ So, you live in Australia and NZ, and you never get host because the game always chooses American players as host, right? Well, to get host, this is how you can do it and what it will cost you. Firstly, you're going to need some money. Use that money to buy an air fare to America. Thats roughly going to cost you $1500 one way (Yes, I said one way, meaning you are moving there.) Then, find a place to live, renting is cheaper, so lets say that costs you $200 a week. Next thing you're going to have do to is set up your house, furniture, TV, the works. That will probably set you back another $3000-$4000. Now its time to get into the Halo 3 action...ah ah ah not so fast. Firstly, you need an Internet connection, and with all the great things I hear about American Internet, that can't be too hard. Yet, you sit on hold for 3 hours... Anyway, they come around and set up your Internet, and that costs you $150 for installation, $100 for the modem, and $69 a month for the connection. $250 straight up, and a further $69 a month. This is starting to get a bit expensive. So, your stomach starts to rumble. OH NOEZ! You forgot about living costs. You open your wallet, and nothing but moths! So you need a job. In the paper, you see McDonalds is hiring. Too bad its across town :|. You still get the job, but how do you get there. Car! Theres another $2000 for a cheap car, plus ongoing petrol costs. Ok, so we're finally online, and we have everything sorted out. We have a job, a car, a place to live and food. Heres a summary of what we've spent already. Airfares - $1500 Setting up your place to live $4000 + a further $200 per week. Internet - $250 upfront + a further $69 per month for Internet access. Car - $2000 + Petrol costs and maintenance So now you are ready for your first Halo 3 game in America. The familiar theme song rumbles through the room. Your first game loads up, and what happens? You don't get host and you get beaten 50-18. So, after a 3 hour phone call to the Internet company, they say they will come around and upgrade you to the best plan they have. Uh oh. That means more spending. The new plan costs $99 a month. I guess we can handle that, if it means we get host, right? Guess not, because in the next match, you get beaten 50-20. So you head down to the liquor store, get yourself a 6-pack, and skull it down. All of a sudden, you're the best player of Halo 3 ever! All the neighbours can here is "Overkill!" "Running Riot!". Wake up the next morning, and you don't feel too crash hot. That 6-pack set you back another $10 to boot. So the Internet company rings and says they have a new package, and they will give it to you for the same price as the current one you have. You agree, and they fix it up for you the next day. So you play another match, and guess what! You finally have host! Your team smashes the poor guys on the other team 50-10. You are so excited. Finally! Host! But, in retrospect, is it worth it? I mean, look at all the money you just spent. Airfares - $1500 Setting up your place to live $4000 + a further $200 per week. Internet - $250 upfront + a further $69 per month for Internet access. Car - $2000 + Petrol costs and maintenance Internet uprade - Up to $99 per week from $69 per week. 6 pack - $10 Ongoing living costs (food, power bills, etc) - $1000+ a month. Is it really worth it? Just for a lag free game? This is exactly my point. If we want host, this is what we would have to go through! Who on Earth that kind of time and money to do that? All I'm asking, is for a fair go. Give us a "My Country" search setting for Matchmaking. If we're playing ranked, and we get matched with Americans, it becomes a one-sided game. No offence to Americans here, by the way. I'm sure its the same for Americans. I'm sure you guys lag when you play say, a British person and they get host over you. But it just seems to happen to us alot more often. Please, a fair go is all I ask. All those who agree, please, help me with this. Thank you.
I have seen many other games have a "My Country" option. Why can't we have it in Halo3?? Seriously, if you don't live in Aus you don't know what it's like. Halo3 is a completely different game in Aus then it is in America because of that. I watch videos of Americans playing Halo3 online and you really can tell the difference. It may seem strange but you can see how much different and unfair towards Aus it really is. It isn't so much the laggy games as it is the latency that is in EVERY game no matter what. It is pretty much impossibly to go up close range with Americans because even if you hit them first or shotgun/mauler them first they will 9/10 times win anyway because of the host saying you did it 0.5 seconds later... Even sniping is nearly imposible because of this. The amount of times I have shot someone in the head and nothign happen is insane. It's not the laggy games it's the Latency. The amount of time it takes for the host to say you did what you did. Sometimes it gets so frustrating i just stop playing. I honestly believe I would at LEAST 5 skill higher in TS if I lived in America, AT LEAST.
BTW, to answer the guy saying, 'wuz it rly worth it?', the obvious answer is no. That's all hypothetically based, and he's just being ridiculous at that part.
nemihara, i dont know what it is, but evertime you comment me or something its trying to diss me. i wont say anything except keep your thoughts to yourself please
lol ok, i'm just saying, your a very loyal member, it just seems like you dont like me bringing the bungie posts here, but i feel it helps us, its allowing us to stay connected without actuelly connecting to alot of the people there i just dont really care for the whole forum thing on bungie, its a fight for the top, while here, its just for fun