I have play tested this a few times with me and my friends now. It is put together really well in the aesthetic nature, but not so much game play wise. The first time playing it we quickly noticed ways out of the map (a simple grenade jump will do). We soon got over that though because it was a pretty fun balanced map. Through our experience on playing this map we developed different strategies on how to play it. We found the best was to camp the bottom level (not heavily camp run around a bit too). Our strategy was to grab a sniper or br and quickly run for cover in the bottom level. The map did a great job balancing this out though. With all the multiple levels the radar minus well have just been turned off the whole game because with multiple levels it just made it to confusing to try to use. Now please note this was with slayer. I did try a few head to head games on this and it was a blast! I did not find any game play to be to unbalanced. You did a great job on this map, I can't wait for your next creation!
i wasnt sure what you were saying at first... it seemed like you didnt like the gameplay on it, and then it did. haha it is a little hectic, and i wanted the map to be bigger, but, with the right gametype, and ignoring the map exit possibilities, it can be pretty fun i thought. thanks for the indepth review!
woah I saw your sig and thought it probably didn't deserve 5 star rating/300 dls but after looking at the thread you convinced me, I really like the windowpanel bridge thing. 5/5, downloaded.
It looks like you built your map around an aestethic, lots of people on forge hub have been doing this lately, I don't really like it when they do this but you did do good on the map. I would suggest you build your aestethics and other game mechanics around your map next time though. Not literally around it but I would prefer a really good layout rather than some hexagonal tunnel or some interesting aesthetic where everything is nicely interlocked but has a crappy layout for a competitive map. Most people are forgetting this. I do like your map though. 5/5 Your sig says 5 stars but you have a 4 star thread rating. :O
it was a 5 star thread up until today. doesnt bother me any, its still nice to have peoples opinions, be it a 1 or a 5. i didnt put it in my signature to be conceited, just to grab some eyes that maybe wouldnt have bothered the first time around. additionally, i had drawn up the layout several times before i even touched a controller, so it is planned out rather much. Alot of people gripe that it isnt big enough, or theres too much openness to it. I designed it with smaller games in mind. it does real well with 2-8 person free for alls, and smaller 2v2-4v4 team games. the bigger the group though, the gameplay starts to suffer.
I was, very very pleased with this. One problem. You can escape. All you have to do is push a fusion coil to about the middle of the steps, and shoot it, jump over and you'll fly over the fences. But awesome map besides that.
yeah, theres plenty of ways to escape, including grenade jumping off of the pillars. i dont really see it being a problem though. it doesnt do ya any good. thanks for the review though
Hey, I just played a custom game on this map and for some reason my friends spawned outside the map... I don't know what the deal is but you might want to check that out. It also looks like you'd be able to get out by gernade jumping.
wow that center structure has got to be one of the coolest i have seen in a while, it uses a part of the bridges that is most often used as a floor, but you took it and made it look new by taking off the sides nice job
A couple things about this map the 45 hours of work well it sure shows and should be a huge payoff I love to see interesting maps like this and i won't be surprised to see this on the front page the window sills on red base is very creative as well as the center where the brides slightly lower
I really like the camouflage and teleporter center piece really adds a nice feel to the map. Map looks perfect for 4v4 games and fiesta game types.
really? thats never happened to me before... nor has there been any other reports of it... how many people did you have on it? Its suppost to hold up to 8 people. If you had that or less and it happened, theres been reports of it just happening, on several maps. i think it may have to do with foundry. additionally, yes you can grenade jump out if you really want, but its dumb to. i advise ignoring that and just playin on it.
Completely interlocked, completely aesthetic, and looks like it has great gameplay. I give it a 4.5, the .5 gone is because the map is escapable with just one grenade jump
This map looks really good and its nice to see someone local(i live near Buffalo) to me making such awesome maps. im going to DL this one.
haha awesome! ive been to buffalo a few times. the one ways are lame. but they have good shows that i cannot pass up. anyways, thanks to everyone. i promise my next map will have some great gameplay, and it WONT be escapable since that seems to be a major thing to everyone. [i still dont understand why...]