
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by thesilencebroken, Jun 14, 2008.

  1. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    Enclosed team-objective map based on aspects of Ivory Tower.


    2v2 - 4v4

    Aurora is an interesting map for me. I spent about 45 hours in total on it. when i drew this map out on paper it was a little bigger than what i came up with. This is in part that when i finished the wall outline of the map, it came out smaller than i thought. i reallllllly didnt want to rebuild the whole wall, so i decided to give it a go.​

    I set it up for mostly Team-oriented games. FFA Slayer works well too, but the layout lends itself better to teams. it has the defenders base on one side of the map, complete with sniper hall-tower-thing, and on the other side, the attackers base... which is actually oddly done, but it works well. Sniper rifles were included for tactical reasons. I know its a small map, but there are several long corridors that the opposing team can come flying down. Additionally, you can try your luck picking them off from the catwalks. Its not supposed to center around them, just add to the possibilities. There are all kinds of levels to jump from. BR lovers may like taking down their friends on this map. Maybe they wont. I'll let you download and decide for yourself.​

    REVIEWS and BUNGIE RATINGS would be pleasant. =]


    ||SETUP FOR||
    - TEAM SLAYER [recommended]
    - NEUTRAL ASSAULT [recommended]
    - TEAM ODDBALL [recommended]
    - KOTH

    - Battle Rifles [x8]
    - Spiker [x2]
    - Maulers [x2 separated - 120 spawn]
    - SMGs [x4]
    - Plasma Rifles [x2]
    - Carbines [x2]
    - Sniper Rifle [x2 - 150 spawn, 0 clips]
    - Active Camo [x1 - 150 spawn] [symmetrical only]
    - Overshield [x1 - 150 spawn] [asymmetrical only]
    - Bubbleshield [x2 - 150 spawn]
    - Frag Grenades [x2 - 30 spawn]
    - Plasma Grenades [x4 - 45 spawn]​



    i was trying to test myself with this map, and i didnt get it to be what i saw in my head, but this map isnt anything to turn your back to. i feel it still came out pretty strong, and offers players of all kinds something to enjoy. please check it out and give me your thoughts and in-depth reviews. DONT FORGET TO RATE ON BUNGIE!! - thanks, John


    #1 thesilencebroken, Jun 14, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2008
    Gollygeeanelite likes this.
  2. The Nasal Abyss x

    Senior Member

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    This map looks very good in the asthetics department. I love the inclined bridge center. This is a download for me.
    The Real KingLS2 likes this.

    Senior Member

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    Not gonna lie, this looks awesome. I'm DEFINITELY gonna have to take a closer look. I'll be back with more thoughts later, but I can tell I like it already! Keep up the good work!
    BIGGnelson likes this.
  4. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    Wow, I wasn't expecting much when I clicked on this, most of the maps that random people post are bad, or at least not good. Average maybe, I dunno.

    Anyway, this is better than average, it's awesome! Well, from the pics anyway.
    For now I'll rate this at 10/10, I'm downloading it now, but it's passed midnight, so I'll test it out tomorrow. Good job on this map.

    5/5 on Bungie. The only thing that I saw from the pics: It looks a little small for a team game, but not overly so. But then I looked at your layout map, and it kind of relaxed me, I guess I'll have to play it to find out how big it is.
  5. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    thanks man, please make sure to review it after gameplay... even if it costs me a good rating. :) i can take the truth.
  6. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    wow, his looks spectacluar. The layout of it looks really great there havent been too much symetrical maps lately, but you got this one looking great. A few bumps but im sure that wont effect gameplay. As Ive said before the layout loks really great, and it reminds me of something that Bungie would come up with. And the center of it looks simply stunning, awesome job.
  7. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    Looks like a lot of fun, Im definitely dling
  8. AllseeingEntity

    AllseeingEntity Ancient
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    review hub material much?

    By looking at the screenshots and viewing your map setup, i must say the map looks great. I will download and really check it out. if comes up to par(which is almost inevitable considering the high amount of quality this map looks like it contains) i will recommend it to be reviewed for the review hub. looks like a great FFA map or KOTH. I look forward to seeing what maps you put out in the future.
  9. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    this is a well good map i like the bit in the centre i think that is very clever of you could you imagin getting a sender that would look well cool lol i will be DL for sure can't wait for the next map keep on forging. :')
  10. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
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    the truth of the matter is silence, this map sucks....

    But if i said that I'd be lying so it doesnt suck, quite the opposite this map is phenomenal I cant put my finger on what it is I like so much which is probably a really good thing shows that every part of this map is equally as good - and I must say I prefer this map 4 times over to all your other maps :) 5/5 I could see this being featured on day.
  11. Minime637

    Minime637 Ancient
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    i am definitely taking a closer look at this one. i really like the center area aesthetically it looks great. i also like the symmetry of the map and the multiple angles.
    nicely done and im am gonna download this one right now.
  12. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    haha you almost gave me a heartattack there. i woke up hoping for some happy reviews and at first that one made me sad lol

    anyways, thanks for going through the trouble of trying out all my maps as well. i like them all and am proud of them all, but i can see growth in my newer ones. :)
  13. xInfamous2x

    xInfamous2x Ancient
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    I can completely see your thoughts on making this map, the layout really follows an ingenius map idea. however the tons of pictures (in a good way) can't really show the whole map, therefore im almost forced to download it out of curiosity :)
    i'll rate it on bungie based of how it goes!
  14. bluepenguin23

    bluepenguin23 Ancient
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    this is one of the coolest maps i've seen! my fav. was the center piece. it could have been cooler if it was purple though. still, awesome job!
  15. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    aloooooot of people frown at mixing pickups for color because they cancel each others effects out... or it wouldve been purple :)
  16. flow23

    flow23 Ancient
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    I love what you did with the geometry/interlocking objects. I can see you have put a lot of effort in this map! Great job!
  17. LaTurno11

    LaTurno11 Ancient
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    This is awsome dude! that has some great interlocking and some great gametypes go with it that is sweet!
  18. Strangeday

    Strangeday Ancient
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    I think i like the centre piece the best. Or maybe it is the different leveled bridges to jump from. Overall, a little bumpy, but an amazing map nonetheless. :p
  19. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    I can see that you're semi new to forgehub, but you are deffinetly not new to forging. Are you rich? Because it deffinetly looks like you spent a lot of time and hard work to make this spectacular sight. The post here is awesome to, considering you made a layout and the pictures really give us a good sence of what we are looking at. Well good sir, you have my download and if the gameplay is good this will be added to my top favorites.

  20. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    haha, im quite the opposite. im unemployed. but thank you for the kind words :)

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